Life? What is it? It is one hard journey. You live, you learn, you screw up, you learn. I don't know if anyone will actually see and really look at my little old school blog but I enjoy sharing. My mind squirrels at times so I love to just post random stuff that I like. I hope that something I post touches you or helps you in some way. We are in this road called "Life" together :-) Let's help one another and practice some kindness along the way! #justagirlwithadogandablog
Monday, January 6, 2025
Diesel The Dog ð doing neighborhood watch Cute Dog in the Snow ❄️ Pic
Sometimes you’ve got to look straight into the tired eyes of the woman staring back at you in the mirror and be real with yourself Self Love and Growth Quote
I woke up today and I realized I needed more than the life I had been living.
As I looked at the woman staring back at me in the mirror, waves of emotions washed over me.
Feelings of sadness, frustration, emptiness and even a touch of regret invaded my mind.
All the things I haven’t done, all the people I’ve lost along the way and the memories and dreams that I forgot as I got busy living..
It’s not that I ever thought I’d be here- right where I am thinking about all the things past and present.
And the thing is, I need more.
I deserve more.
I’ll never regret where I’ve been, the people I’ve loved and the choices I’ve made-
That’s made me who I am and I know, deep down, I’m where I’m supposed to be.
I’m at the crossroads now..
And it’s up to me to fight for what I want and deserve.
The best love..the best life-
All the things that I’ve always wanted have always been there, waiting for me.
I’ve been too busy chasing empty pursuits or making excuses why I couldn’t and can’t that I talked myself out of my dreams.
I’m done living that way.
I deserve more.
I’m going to get back up, dust myself off and start climbing my way back to the top.
I’m going to keep looking up, rising up and lifting myself up until I get where I need to be.
I know it won’t be fast, easy or painless…
But I know it’s necessary for me to grow, evolve and find my way.
Life is a journey and if I’m honest, I know that I haven’t given it my all.
The tired eyes staring back at me tell me one thing:
I need more joy in my life.
I don’t totally know what that looks like or how I’ll figure that out, but I’ll get there..
But I can’t do anything if I’m content to stay where I am.
I must grow, change and evolve if I want to find my purpose.
I have a feeling it will be a roundabout topsy turvy path that will take me everywhere and anywhere..
But most of all where I need to be.
I’m done letting everything and everyone come before me.
I’m choosing me now.
Maybe it won’t be glamorous and beautiful, but it will be real, honest and all me.
And I know that one day, looking back, I’ll know it was the best thing I could’ve ever done.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Cold walk dog pic with Diesel The Dog ð Cute Dog Pic