Sunday, July 14, 2024

I am more than a little weird and a bit awkward- I’m real though and that’s a gift 🎁 reality quote share

 Yeah, I’m that one that you can’t help but laugh at.

It’s okay, I laugh at myself, too.

I snort when I laugh, I make weird faces when I don’t realize, and I say hilariously inappropriate things sometimes.

I’d tell you that I don’t mean to be awkward and strange, but that’s totally not true.

I love being the way I am and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I’m the friend you can call at the last minute and invite on a trip to nowhere and I’ll join you while laughing all the way.

I know I don’t fit in and that’s always been my plan.

I may be ridiculous and weird sometimes, but I’m never boring.

Yeah, you’ll never know what I’ll do or say, but that’s part of what makes me colorful and fun.

Most of all, with me, what you see is what you get.

I’m always real and authentic- you can take me at my word and you’ll always know where I stand.

It’s hard sometimes to stay true to yourself in a world that’s in love with fake perfection, but I’m okay standing apart from the crowd.

No matter what happens, you know I’ll always have your back and be there to help you pick up the pieces of life’s pain.

Sure, sometimes I’m confusing and a little different, so don’t feel bad..

I don’t even know what I’m doing half the time myself.

I just do what I do, which is show up, stand up and speak up..with the unique flavor that only I can provide.

So, I’m that one friend that you know will tell you like it is and you can count on me to keep things interesting, down to earth and lively.

I may be one of a kind, but I’m brave enough to be real, loyal and true to my values and my people.

So, buckle up, buttercup, I’m always down for an adventure..

I want to go find some fun and lose ourselves in some mischief.

Today is for living, so let’s do some of that.

Me and you, the wind in our hair and sun on our face.

Two weirdos on a journey to fulfill our souls..

Sounds pretty magical, if you ask me.


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