Thursday, May 9, 2024

You Don't Need Anyone Else's Approval Before You Can Feel Good Enough Inspirational Quote


When someone betrays you, rejects you, abandons you, discards you, hurts you, or judges you;
it's not about you...
It's about them, their insecurities, and sometimes their lack of values and morals.
It's about them being selfish about their own needs and not showing empathy by thinking about anyone who their actions might impact.
Just because someone does something like this to you;
it doesn't mean you have to carry it...
Your worth isn't determined by them or what they choose to do.
It's not determined by the way they feel about you, or the way they act towards you.
Your worth comes from within you, and what you think and feel about yourself.
If you know you're a good person but someone's either taken advantage of that or decided that them choosing to see your worth would show up their own flaws and insecurities;
that's on them...
You don't need anyone else's approval for you to feel good enough.
You're good enough exactly as you are right now.
You don't need to change, or become anyone different from who you are.
You're already good enough!
Any improvements you want to make along the way ADDS to who you are.
It adds depth and character.
It doesn't make up for what's lacking, because there isn't anything lacking.
The people who are in your life right now for the right reasons are there because of who you are right now.
So if they can see that you're good enough, maybe it's time you started believing it too...
~ Mark

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