Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Being hurt repeatedly over and over again, can create a monster out of you and that’s reality quote


Music Helps Me Block All The Unwanted Noise In My Mind - Music Heals Reality Quote


Nothing Is More Beautiful Than When A Woman Can Heal And Still Remain Loving- What A Strong And Real Female Truly Looks Like Strong Woman Quote


Sometimes Being Brave Is Just Choosing To Take The Next Steps Without Really Knowing Where You Are Going Inspirational Quote


Today's To Do List Inspirational Quote


Maybe They Had It Right In The 60's- They Knew How To Love Life- Loving Life Is Important Reminder Quote


Leave Them Exactly Where They Had You Messed Up At- Don't Look Back Strong Woman Quote


That Awkward Moment When You Realize That You Have To Get Up To Pee Or You Won't Sleep Funny Homer Simpson Joke Quote


Be Louder Than The Things That Tried To Destroy You Inspirational Quote


Loved this one and it was a great morning read so just thought I would share.  Have a great day friends!

Don’t let them win…
Don’t let the hardest moments in your life or people who did the wrong thing by you, stop you from chasing your dreams.
Don’t let people who have hurt you, let you down, and tried to crush your spirit stop you from rising and creating the best version of your life yet.
Maybe you've been badly hurt.
Maybe you've been undeservedly betrayed.
Maybe your heart needs some time to heal.
But don’t you dare think about giving up.
Don’t you dare stop dreaming.
Because just when you least expect it and you’ve almost given up all hope, that's when life turns around just like that…
Use the energy of the pain they've left you with to create who you've always wanted to become, and the life you've always wanted.
Be defiant about it!
Be louder than the things that tried to destroy you.
Let your heart rage with the love that someone once took for granted, and give that love to yourself for a little while.
Love yourself so much so that when someone comes along who is actually worthy and deserving of your love, you can share it and make them a part of your world because there’s so much of it.
In amongst all of the chaos your dreams are still there!
The only difference is you’re now no longer carrying someone who would never have been happy for you anyway.
Let them go entirely and let them miss out on your beautiful life.
Let your tears flow when they need to flow.
Let yourself feel what you need to feel.
But don’t you dare miss a single moment more for someone who didn’t deserve to be a part of it anyway…
~ Mark

Dreams Don't Have An Expiration Date- Loving Life Is Important Reminder Quote


Sunday, May 12, 2024

I don’t hate you, although I should- You made me my strongest self- I know now what I really want and need and what I will never choose again self help quote


I will never lose myself again, nor will I live in a shell made from the validation of others at my expense self-love reality Quote


Don”t apologize for your wrinkles ladies- Don’t apologize for your opinions nor your thighs- Use your voice- Don’t apologize- Just be the sexy thing that you really are strong woman Quote


The universe will never give you peace in something you were never really meant to settle for life reality quote


She had to walk away, not because she doesn’t love him, but it’s just not the right timing. She has to find her real self


To the person who created this quote, I am truly grateful to you. The universe knew I needed to see this one tonight because it’s an action that I need to take.  There’s a man that I love but I just can’t be with him!  Why?? Because he doesn’t belong to me.  I can’t emotionally handle any more failed relationships.  It’s Time!  Tine to fully focus on me! 

I know it’s scary, but please always choose you “The Real YOU” because you deserve that reality quote


No response is a response and it is a very powerful one. Always remember that because it’s reality life reality quote


I know that I am an independent woman, but sometimes I really appreciate being treated with softness strong woman reality quote


Thursday, May 9, 2024

She's A Strong Woman With A Soft Heart and A Fierce Love- Never Underestimate Her Though Strong Woman Quote


She’s the type of woman that men want to tame and women aspire to become.
She’ll never be the sort to blend in, keep to herself or go about her life quietly..
She has too much passion, spirit and zeal for life to not make herself heard or seen.
While many shy away from her fierce nature, unable to understand her and frankly, just a little afraid of her, too.
She’s that undefinable creature that inspires others just by the way she chooses to live her life.
Men are constantly enthralled by her until they realize that she’s not the woman that they can control or manipulate..
Just the opposite, in fact.
She’s not had the easiest life or had anything given to her, she’s had to scrap for everything she has..and she appreciates everything more because of it.
It’s made her strong, feisty and unstoppable..even on the days she didn’t feel like she was at her best.
She still kept going, climbing and fighting.
Her heart beats fiercely, for she is and always will be a warrior- rising to any challenge and always there for the people in her life.
Some would call her difficult, incorrigible or stubborn, and she just smiles and thanks them for the compliments.
Mere words will never penetrate her thick skin anymore- she’s been down that road and learned those lessons the hard way.
She’s heard it all and has been called everything you can imagine..and it never changed anything about her other than to push her harder.
But the side of her that she keeps guarded, hidden from the world and only shared with her close quite different.
Loving, generous and supportive, she’s the one they can always count on to listen, love and accept without condition, every time.
She fights through life with a warrior heart and loves through life with a passionate soul.
She values both sides equally, for she knows true balance is the key to happiness.
And in the end, that’s all she really wants- to be happy.
She doesn’t need attention, the limelight or fancy things.
She wants the simplest that life has to offer:
Peace, happiness and love.
So, if she has to battle for those things, so be it.
But she’ll never waste her time or energy on small minded people, frivolous pursuits or welcome those who can’t be themselves.
But never underestimate a woman like her.
She may be many things, but you’ll never find her to be a fool.
And if you happen to overlook her or count her out, well, one thing’s for certain:
It’ll be the last time you ever do.

Alpha Females Don't Run In Packs- They Know Their Power and Work In Silence Strong Woman Quote


Every Struggle In Your Life Has Truly Shaped You Into The Person You Are Today Reality Quote


Bring Your Full Self Wherever You Go- The Real You Is Worthy- Set It Free Inspirational Quote


You Don't Need Anyone Else's Approval Before You Can Feel Good Enough Inspirational Quote


When someone betrays you, rejects you, abandons you, discards you, hurts you, or judges you;
it's not about you...
It's about them, their insecurities, and sometimes their lack of values and morals.
It's about them being selfish about their own needs and not showing empathy by thinking about anyone who their actions might impact.
Just because someone does something like this to you;
it doesn't mean you have to carry it...
Your worth isn't determined by them or what they choose to do.
It's not determined by the way they feel about you, or the way they act towards you.
Your worth comes from within you, and what you think and feel about yourself.
If you know you're a good person but someone's either taken advantage of that or decided that them choosing to see your worth would show up their own flaws and insecurities;
that's on them...
You don't need anyone else's approval for you to feel good enough.
You're good enough exactly as you are right now.
You don't need to change, or become anyone different from who you are.
You're already good enough!
Any improvements you want to make along the way ADDS to who you are.
It adds depth and character.
It doesn't make up for what's lacking, because there isn't anything lacking.
The people who are in your life right now for the right reasons are there because of who you are right now.
So if they can see that you're good enough, maybe it's time you started believing it too...
~ Mark

I Stopped Shrinking Myself To Fit The People That I Have Outgrown Inspirational Quote


I decided to stop trying to be whatever everyone else thought I should be.
I learned a long time ago that not everyone would like me or understand me..
And I’m good with that, so long as the ones who love me get me..and they do.
I don’t have to dim someone else’s light to make mine shine brighter.
I think big and dream bigger, so there’s people who will always look down on me because I’m not like them.
Here’s a hint: I like me just the way I am and I’m not changing to make anyone else happy.
I’m done trying to please everyone else, because all that ever did was make me unhappy.
I’m leaving those small people with small minds and smaller ideas in my past,
I’m not letting anyone or anything keep me down.
Forget the boxes they tried to fit around me and the labels that never really worked,
I’m more than a size, a stereotype or a number on the scale.
I’ll never be defined by someone else’s idea of who or what I should be. I’m uniquely me, so that concept of making me conform to some outdated ideal will never work.
I’ve got a lot of love to give and a beautiful soul to share with the people I care about.
I keep my circle small and my heart guarded- I’m not going back to those places that tore me down before.
I’ve burned those bridges that led me to the wrong places with the wrong people long ago.
This is a new day and a new me:
I’m living with purpose and loving with passion.
The ones who love me will always be right beside me, cheering me on and sharing the light.
You can keep your lukewarm desire and your mediocre love,
I don’t believe in doing anything halfway.
If you can’t give me your respect, love and passion the way I deserve, then that’s your choice.
I’ve got one life, and I’m not settling for anything less than the best in my dreams, my friends and most of all, my partner.
Some may say I’ve got an attitude and they’re’s strong and fearless.
I know what I want and who I am, and I’ll accept nothing less than the very best from the people in my life.
So, if you want to try to define me by all the other people you’ve ever known, let me stop you right there.
You’ve never met someone like me and you never will again.
So, if you want to love me on my terms with the respect and passion that I expect, then take my hand and let’s chase some adventure.
If you think I’m like the others and I fit into smaller boxes of lesser people,
Try again.
You can’t cage my strong spirit and fiery heart, so don’t even try to dull my shine.
Taming me will never be an option I’ll be okay with, so run with me instead.
I’ve got dreams to catch and love to share, so if you can’t handle my truth,
Perhaps you should look elsewhere.
It’s my time to soar and spread my wings, and I’m excited about my future.
The question is, can you accept me just the way I am?