I understand people who choose to keep all their problems to themselves instead of reaching out to others for help. I understand them for choosing to be alone instead of being around with people. Some people might never understand, but I know that they don't want to reach out because they are afraid to be invalidated. What people don't know is that they've already heard enough from toxic people. They've already been told that their problems are nothing compared to those of other people. They've already been told that it's just in their heads. That what they feel is not even a big deal because some people are going through the same thing. You see, some people are secretly dying inside, but they still continue to hide it because not everyone will understand them. You can't really blame those people who chose to keep their feelings to themselves because I know somehow that they've tried to talk about their feelings to someone, yet some people made them feel like their feelings were so unimportant. It's sad to think that some people have to face all their battles alone because they do not receive the support that they need. And it's sadder because the ones that we are hoping to understand us better are sometimes the first to make us feel invalidated.
— Shiori X
Art: Naya Ismael
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