Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Note To My Inner Little Girl Inspirational Reading Share


To my inner little girl:
I’m sorry you went through that. I’m sorry that you made choices that hurt you. I am so sorry you were made to believe you were unworthy. I want you to know that you made the choices that you did with the feelings and limited experiences you had at the time. You did the best with what you knew. With that I’m sorry for not always believing in you. Many times I held you back with overthinking, negative thinking, and self doubt. In the most important moments when you needed positivity, I didn’t make that easy for you. I am here now and I want to thank you... I am learning so much from watching you through my memories. Even in the darkest of moments you held on with faith and hope, and you were so strong. I am so proud of you. Your faith and grace saved me, and who I am today is so thankful you never gave up on me.
With all my love and heart,


  1. To say how disappointing it is to find my work on someone else's blog is very disappointing with no credit to the creator. I wrote this from a little girl who was sexually abused... it was first published in 2020 however I reshared it on my "page" August 8 2023 and you took the picture as well as my words with no credit for either. It's very sad because of the personal experience behind this. My name is Tammy Barrett and I am the creator of Daily EmpowHERment in which this was orginally shared.

  2. First and foremost, I want to apologize as it is never my intent to "misquote" anyone which is why I labeled it a share (as I shared information that was made public on the internet). I usually always do copy the author information if it was included on the public site that I shared it from. I have made your comment public as I do want you to have full credit. I found your share inspirational which is why I re-shared the information in the hopes that it would inspire someone else as sharing is caring. Take care and I'm very sorry for your past trauma and I hope that by you sharing- your story helps and inspires others.
