Saturday, July 29, 2023

Measure Your Success Each Day By The Quality Of Life You Lived


Success is not just about what you are achieving, but who you are becoming.
Are you spending your whole day pursuing things, or are you becoming something?
At the end of each day, take a moment to reflect on the moments that made you smile, the connections you made, the lessons you learnt, the positive impact you had on others.
It is in the small moments that you often find the greatest joys, it's the little things that often make the biggest difference.
Each day, ask yourself if you lived authentically, if you were true to your values, and if you took steps towards your dreams, no matter how little.
As the night draws near, you may not have achieved all that you set out to do, but remember, the true measure of success lies in living a life that is aligned with your purpose and that brings you a deep sense of fulfillment.
It's not enough to only get things done, always have the courage to ask yourself, "How am I living?"

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