Monday, October 14, 2024

Life rarely follows the straight path - It's filled with highs and lows- Reality of Life Inspirational Quote


rarely follows
the straight path
we imagine.
It’s filled with
unexpected turns,
highs and lows,
moments of doubt,
and moments of clarity.
But it’s in these
twists and turns
that we find growth.
Each detour teaches
us something we
might never have
learned on a straight line.
The ups fill us with joy
and remind us
of our strength,
while the downs,
though challenging,
shape our resilience
and deepen our wisdom.
The path
may not always
make sense as you walk it,
but trust that every step,
every curve,
is leading you
to where you’re meant to be.
✍️ Rivers in the Ocean
🎨 ctto

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