Sunday, March 23, 2025

All my life, I've had to prove myself and I've never gotten anything handed to me. And that's okay, you learn to adapt and play with the cards you've been given Strong Woman Ravenwolf Quote


All my life, I've had to prove myself and I've never gotten anything handed to me.

And that's okay, you learn to adapt and play with the cards you've been given.

I keep fighting, even when I get knocked down.

I rise again, come back harder and find a way through what seems to be impossible.

Until I overcome it.

But there are times when my strength fails me, when the fire has gone out and I'm just there, sitting sitting with my pain and stuck.

Those were the times that I could count on you to walk with me, hold my hand and fight beside me.

As I look around at the solitude and darkness, I fight back the tears.

Not because I can't do it alone or I stopped believing in myself..

But because you stopped seeing me for who I am, but rather the person that made mistakes and hurt you.

You saw what you expected, not the one who has always shown up and loved you.

I thought love meant you were the one person that never gave up or stopped believing..

But I guess I was wrong.

I've done so much, trying to bring you back, showing you that I am that person that you believed could lasso the moon and wrangle the stars.

Not now.

I don't know if ever again.

I try not to dive too deeply in those thoughts of who you once were to me.

That person that held my hand when the world stopped.

Now, all is a person who says they love me..

 But all I see is the anger and distrust behind your eyes..

And it takes every bit of strength to hold it together.

And now,I'm tired.

I don't need sleep or rest, because it's my soul that has grown weary.

I've poured myself into us, worked to grow and give you a safe space to land.

I'm just broken and weary, and I don't see the sun the way I used to and the stars have lost their luster.

I just wanted it to be us, for the rest of our days, loving each other.

Now, all I am left with is the promise of what once was, 

And may never be again.

Ever misstep, each mistake grab onto those and that's how you see me now.

All the countless times I've loved unselfishly and the passion with which i live..

Don't matter anymore.

You don't believe in me anymore, it's obvious.

You assume the worst and stay guarded behind the deep walls that protect your heart..

All the while giving the most beautiful love to others in your life..

While I just watch, in silent anguish.

You tell me all the reasons, say it's my fault.

I used to challenge that and try to show you why you're wrong.

And now, I'm spent and the heart aches when it grows lonely.

I don't know if you'll ever come back to me, it's not for me to say.

I've done what I can do,

And still, even the slightest bit of love never touches us anymore.

You say the words and say that should be enough.

It's not.

I don't feel it anymore, and there's nothing in this life I want more than to dive deeply into love and your heart, 

But you haven't opened up to me in so long, I lose more and more hope each day.

A touch, a kind word, anything-

Believing the best about me..

But you never do.

I'm sad and I'm lonely - and my heart cries out for you in those moments.

And you've stopped listening.

Where once grew a vision of a beautiful future,

It is now just a mere shadow of what we were, what our love was.

And all I can do is sit there, quietly in pain.

I guess I'm in mourning.

And I've never lost something so wonderful as the love we had.

As the last tear rolls down my cheek,

I just close my eyes and dream I'm in that place again-

Where our love was wrong, you loved me powerfully and I felt as though we could do anything.

For a time, it was beautiful, it was love and it was us.

And now, it's a memory.

So I hold it closely, those feelings ..

And maybe, just maybe, you'll find a way to love me like you used to.

That'll have to do, for now.


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