Tuesday, December 31, 2024

After fifty, you can no longer handle restrictions Quote



After fifty, you can no longer handle restrictions...

You can’t stand a tight bra, forced dinners with your sister-in-law who inspects the dust in every corner, high heels on rocky paths, or circumstantial smiles...

At fifty, you no longer want to prove yourself. You are who you are, the things you’ve done, and the things you still want to do. If it’s fine with others, great. If not, it is what it is...

After fifty, it doesn’t matter if you have children or not; you’ll still be a mother, your mother, your father, a lonely aunt, your dog, or a bald cat you rescued from the street...

And if none of those are there, you’ll be your own mother because, over the years, you’ll have learned to care for a body you’ve finally come to love—one that grows more imperfect, but only in the eyes of others...

Who cares if half your wardrobe is the wrong size...

What matters is that your back doesn’t creak too much when you stand up, that you don’t feel lumps when touching your breasts, and that menstruation finally becomes someone else’s problem...

After fifty, you want freedom—free to say no, free to stay in pajamas all Sunday, free to feel beautiful for yourself and not for others...

Free to walk alone; those who love you will walk with you, those who care about appearances...

You are free to sing loudly in your car, even if people stare at you at traffic lights. You’ll no longer have school records to check or mom group chats to endure...

You’ll have dreams like when you were twenty, and you’ll ask God every day for time to achieve more...

You’ll have said goodbye to the men you loved and to the insecurities that once made you tremble...

And now, just now, after devouring half of your life in big, hurried bites, you’ll discover the desire to slowly savor all the sweetness and salt of the days ahead...

Jr Arenivas

People who introduced you to new ways of thinking and new ways of seeing life are so important Different Perspectives Quote


It’s almost time for the “new year new me” bullshit Quote


When a codependent leaves a narcissist Quote


Just because a person has a gorgeous heart and gentle nature - that doesn’t mean that they are naïve or fragile Smart Person Quote


The greatest gift you can give your family in the world is a happier, healthier version of you Inspirational Quote


She isn’t strong because that’s what she wanted to be.. She didn’t choose her story Strong Woman Quote


She isn’t strong because that’s what she wanted to be..

She didn’t choose her story-

In fact, it chose her.

She holds herself together with beautiful composure and magnificent courage..

For as the world thinks she has it all under control, she’s almost dying inside at every turn.

But that’s what separates her from the rest- you’ll never see her break down, lose her cool or fall apart.

The facade she has mastered is evident to everyone she meets, yet the woman who cries herself to sleep- if she can sleep at all- is a person that they would never believe exists.

To all that know her, she’s a beacon of glowing hope and strength, for her extraordinary courage in ordinary situations isn’t because she’s being heroic..

Well, not in the ways that anyone would think...it’s just who she is.

If people knew the struggles she has overcome, the pain she has endured and the mountains she’s climbed, they would be amazed.

The woman that falls apart behind closed doors is the same smiling face that greets the world every morning.

She hurts in ways most will never understand and braves the pain with a resolve that would bring most men to their knees..

But that’s just who she is and how she lives.

She wasn’t given any other choice, so she does what she has to do to keep moving forward with a pep in her step and a light in her heart..

Pain has almost wrecked her more times than she knows and still, she carries on.

She feels every broken heart and every harsh word.

The difference between her and the rest?

She doesn’t let the pain break her.

She’s so many things - warrior, survivor and dreamer..

But she’s so much more than that.

When all she wants to do is fall apart, she unfurls her wings and flies higher.

That’s who she is and what she will always be:

A strong woman..

Amazing, resilient and free.


Dear 2025, I can't promise that I will get everything right but I will keep on trying New Year Inspirational Quote


What the universe is saying to you on December 31, 2024 Motivational Universe Believer Quote


Become More Aware of What's Really Worth Your Energy Self Awareness Quote


Things I Can Control Quote


Dear Universe, Thank you for prepping me for the next level of my life- I welcome a major shift in year 2025 Universe Believer Quote


5 Moments That Forever Change A Woman Quote


Monday, December 30, 2024

Even more things that you should know about the narcissist Reality of Narcissism Quote


Here’s to the people who try their hardest to be good enough for everyone Quote


Privacy is power- What people don't know, they can't ruin Power of Privacy Quote


When you stop telling your friends every detail about your life, your enemies will be starved of information.

No gossip to go around.

No shaming you about your choices.

Not all people you think of as, or call your friends, are in fact your friends..😏

Some are pretending to be with you just to feed your enemies.

Be careful who you call your friend because one of the scariest enemies on earth are those people who pretend to be your friend.

Privacy is power, what people don't know, they can't ruin…


Distance kills a lot of fake shit 💩 Distance Quote


Someday, you'll thank yourself for choosing to love yourself instead of settling for less than what you deserve Strong Woman Quote


Dear Me,

Someday, you'll thank yourself for choosing to love yourself instead of settling for less than what you deserve. You will figure out one day that the pain that you feel right now is just a part of healing. You will never be in pain forever. You will realize that you made the right decision to walk away from people and places where you feel like you are unappreciated and unvalued. You are brave enough to choose yourself this time. You are brave enough to let go of all the things that hurt you, even though you love them more than anything else. My dearest self, you are strong enough to survive all the suffering that you've been through, and I know that you'll be proud of it someday.

I want you to know that you deserve to give yourself a break from everything that tortures your heart and soul. You deserve to be happy, even after any heartbreak. You deserve to give yourself peace, even after being miserable for so long. One day, you will thank yourself for treating yourself better than how other people treat you. And maybe that day, just like everyone else, you will finally understand that everything happens for a reason.

Author: Unknown

If you look at me and see just the superficiality of who I am, you’ll be missing the best and deepest parts of me Girl with a Deep Soul Quote


Maybe you thought I was just another woman when we met…

And that was where you were utterly wrong.

While I am a strong woman, I am far from ordinary.

Perhaps some are content with blending in and following the crowd, but I’m not one of them.

I’m not afraid to stand in my own light, let my voice be heard and make my opinion matter.

I know my worth after I’ve let too many people try to destroy it..

But I’m still here, still proud and still standing-

After all the heartbreaks, bad choices and people that walked away,

I fought and succeeded to become the woman you see standing before you today.

So, if you’re going to judge me, don’t do it by how I look or the clothes I wear.

If you look at me and see just the superficiality of who I am, you’ll be missing the best and deepest parts of me.

Maybe there’s prettier or flashier women out there, but you’ll never find another soul as deep as mine with a heart of gold that loves fiercely.

Truth is, most are afraid to get too close to me-

Scared they might drown in my depths or be burned by the fire of my passion..

And I’m okay with that.

I realized a long time ago that I’m not for everyone and I don’t want to be.

I want those brave and uncompromising souls that see me for my worth and get me.

I have standards and I’ll never settle for less than I deserve.

Whether it’s the people I love or the partner I choose, I give what I get and I’ll always give my all to the people that matter.

So, if you want to win my heart, be ready to love fiercely, live passionately and embrace everything.

Nothing more, nothing less.

I’m worth it.

Actually, I’m worth so much more and I know it.

It’s up to you if you see what most people miss:

A strong and passionate woman-

the one who can change your life..

That is, if you’re strong enough to keep up with me.


People who feel everything so deeply can never turn off our hearts Empathetic Person Quote


People who feel everything so deeply, can never turn off our hearts.

We want the world and everything in it. We want to hold it tightly, we want to keep it close by; we don't want to lose it.

We feel obligated to save people, to fix things, to make it better. We need to feel loved and give love as well. Our hearts beat for, and because of, all of the people we have the potential to care for. We're are the eager ones. And yes, we feel too much. I wish I had answers as to why why we were chosen to be the fragile ones, the easy to crumble ones, the heavy-hearted ones. I wish I knew why we are the ones that carry all of our emotions in our back pockets. I wish I knew why all of the easy stuff is so hard for us. Why when it's all said and done we still feel hurt by a world that isn't listening, that isn't the same as us.

But I'd like to think that one day the strength and love we try to give to the world will be appreciated. That caring deeply for others will pay off. Because truthfully, we are rare and beautiful souls. We are needed to make this world a little less heavy.

So wherever you are, whoever you are, if you feel things deeply please don't stop being you. Please don't stop loving the world and everyone who comes into yours. Please don't stop hoping for better days; don't stop trying to get it right, to make things good.

Soon enough you will run across someone who will see all these things in you and call them beautiful. They will be glad to have met you. They will fill that empty place. They will call you home. You dear, have a heart of gold. Don't let the world diminish that.

Pepper Jelly Cheese Dip Recipe Idea


Pepper Jelly Cheese Dip 🧀🌶️


8 ounces cream cheese, softened 🧀

4 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, shredded 🧀

½ teaspoon garlic powder 🧄

1 teaspoon onion flakes 🧅

½ teaspoon salt 🧂

7 ounces pepper jelly 🍯🌶️


Preheat Oven: Begin by preheating your oven to 350°F (175°C). 🔥

Make the Cheese Mixture: In a bowl, combine the softened cream cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, garlic powder, onion flakes, and salt. Mix until well combined.

Bake the Dip: Transfer the cheese mixture into an oven-safe dish or pie pan, smoothing the surface. Bake for 15 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbling.

Melt the Pepper Jelly: While the dip bakes, melt the pepper jelly in a microwave-safe container. Heat in 30-second intervals, stirring between, until smooth.

Top with Jelly: After baking, pour the melted pepper jelly over the hot cheese dip, spreading it evenly across the top.

Serve: Serve the dip warm with crackers, chips, or sliced bread. 🍞🥨

Enjoy your creamy, spicy dip!

Imagine trying to scare her when she’s literally been toe to toe with everyone who was supposed to protect her Protecting Herself Quote





Here are eight traits that might indicate someone thrives better as a single individual:

Highly Independent

They value their autonomy and prefer making decisions without needing to consider a partner's input.

Strong Need for Personal Space

They require a significant amount of time alone to recharge and pursue personal interests.


Their work or personal ambitions take precedence, and they prefer not to compromise or divide their attention.

Low Need for Emotional Dependency

They don’t feel the need for constant emotional support or validation from a partner.

Non-Conventional Beliefs About Relationships

They may not align with traditional ideas of relationships, marriage, or family life.

Enjoyment of Freedom

They cherish the ability to live life on their terms without being accountable to someone else.

Difficulty with Compromise

They struggle to adapt to or accommodate another person’s needs, habits, or preferences.

Rich Social Network

They have fulfilling friendships or family connections that satisfy their emotional and social needs..

FAQ about Narcissists - they know exactly what they are doing Reality of A Narcissist Quote


If she randomly just starts cleaning everything -let her be and give her a hug- it’s because her mind’s a mess Upset Woman Quote


You cannot fix a toxic/abusive/narcissistic person. They do not have any self accountability and they do not do self responsibility- you need to break all contact Getting Away From A Narcissist Quote


15 tiny habits that will change your life in 2025 Quote


Easy Marinated Cheese Appetizer with Salami & Pickles Recipe Idea


Easy Marinated Cheese Appetizer with Salami & Pickles 🧀


8 oz block of sharp cheddar cheese, cut into cubes 🧀

8 oz block of pepper jack cheese, cut into cubes 🧀

1/4 cup olive oil 🫒

1/4 cup white wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar 🍏

1 tsp dried Italian seasoning 🌿

1/2 tsp garlic powder 🧄

Salt and pepper, to taste 🧂

1/2 cup sliced salami, cut into bite-sized pieces 🍖

1/2 cup small pickles, like cornichons or dill pickles, sliced 🥒

Fresh herbs, like parsley or basil, for garnish 🌿 (optional)


Marinate the cheese: In a bowl, whisk together olive oil, vinegar, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Add the cheese cubes to the mixture and toss to coat. Let marinate for at least 30 minutes, or up to 2 hours in the fridge.

Assemble the appetizer: Arrange marinated cheese cubes on a platter. Add salami slices and pickles around the cheese for a beautiful display.

Garnish: Sprinkle fresh herbs for extra flavor and a pop of color.

Serve and enjoy! This appetizer is delicious on its own or with crackers.

Enjoy this easy, flavorful treat with friends and family! 🧀🍖🥒

Sunday, December 29, 2024

The more I work on me the less I want you to touch me Solitude and Growth Quote


I’m sorry that you feel that way from the narcissist evil mentality Quote


Energy Takers Vs. Energy Givers Reality Quote


Goodbye 2024 I will no longer be your whore Moving on to a New Year Quote


10 secrets to become mentally unbreakable Inspirational Quote


Be fucking impossible to ignore Strong Person Quote


Being single isn’t a lack of something—it’s a space filled with opportunity, self-love, and clarity. It’s a chapter where I can focus on building a strong foundation for my future, one rooted in authenticity, joy, and personal growth. It’s a time to nurture my passions, protect my peace, and truly embrace the freedom to explore who I am without compromise Single Person Quote


Being single isn’t a lack of something—it’s a space filled with opportunity, self-love, and clarity. It’s a chapter where I can focus on building a strong foundation for my future, one rooted in authenticity, joy, and personal growth. It’s a time to nurture my passions, protect my peace, and truly embrace the freedom to explore who I am without compromise.

Solitude isn’t loneliness—it’s liberation. It’s a chance to create a life so rich and fulfilling that any future relationship is an addition, not a solution. I don’t need a partner to define my happiness or complete me. Love, when it comes, should enhance my world, not be the source of it. And that means standing firm in my standards, knowing my worth, and refusing to settle for anything less than what aligns with my values and my heart.

Yes, I’m open to love—real love, the kind that feels transformative and true. But until then, I’m not “waiting.” I’m living. I’m thriving. I’m pouring energy into becoming the best version of myself and creating a life so vibrant and meaningful that anyone who steps into it will find it brimming with purpose and light. That’s the kind of love I’m willing to give, and it’s the only kind I’m willing to receive.

In this season, I’ve learned that my solitude is not a weakness—it’s a strength. It’s a time to cherish my independence, honor my boundaries, and prepare myself for the love that’s worthy of me. Until that moment arrives, I’ll continue building a life that reflects the beauty of my own heart and soul. Because I know that real love is worth the wait, and so am I 👌

I know that there are so many times that things don’t turn out the way I was hoping or even expecting. I’ve learned to be okay with that, no matter how much I wanted something to work out Strong Woman Quote


I know that there are so many times that things don’t turn out the way I was hoping or even expecting.

I’ve learned to be okay with that, no matter how much I wanted something to work out.

Whether it’s life disappointing me, love breaking my heart or even a friend letting me down, I know now it’s just part of the journey.

I can’t let those letdowns and failures make me bitter, I have to use those learnings to make me better.

I’ve promised myself to keep getting stronger with each setback, wiser with each heartache and braver with each wrong turn.

It doesn’t get any easier or sting any less, but it does help me to step back and regroup when things get too heavy.

One bad choice, hurt or detour isn’t the end of the world.

In fact, I’ll learn more from those things than I ever will when everything goes my way.

I won’t tell you I want the bad stuff to happen, because no one does..

But I can choose how it affects me and how’s react to it..

And I’m getting better at taking it in stride.

Trying to find the silver lining, lesson to be learned and believing that things work out the way they are meant to.

It still stings when people let me down and I get my heart broken.

But my strength is growing and so is my determination.

One day, maybe I’ll be at a place where nothing fazes me, but I doubt it.

I’ll keep doing the best I can with what I have and make the most of the opportunities I have.

Life will never be perfect and neither will I.

But come what may, I’ve learned there’s beauty in the moments- even in the detours that take me places I never thought I’d be.

It’s up to me to enjoy those too, even if I never thought I could.

I’m strong enough, brave enough and wise enough to take it all in and breathe out happiness.

If it’s to be, it’s up to me.

And I’m choosing to find the rhyme and reason, no matter how much it hurts.

One day, I’ll be standing on top of those mountains that tried to destroy me..smiling.

Knowing that I climbed it all by myself and enjoyed the moments as well as the milestones.

And that, I know, will have made all the difference.

I’ll get there.


I just want to be remembered for being authentic and real Strong Woman Quote


All my life, people have called me difficult, stubborn and feisty..and the list goes on.

And every time someone tries to fit me into a box because I won’t live my life by their rules, I just smile.

I learned a long time ago in the hardest way possible that if you do what they want and try to please people, they’re still going to talk about you anyways.

So, I’m going to dance to my own music, do the things that make me happy and oh yes, refuse to let anyone try to make me feel less than I deserve.

I’m strong enough, I’m worthy of love and I work hard to be a good person, so forgive me if I don’t care what you call me.

Life’s too short and joy can be too fleeting to let anyone walk all over me.

My voice will be heard.

I will not be disrespected.

I will stand up for myself and others that can’t.

I’m going to keep putting love out in the world, because the way I see it,

There’s already too much ugliness out there now.

So, yeah, I’m never going to be the quiet one, the one to blend in or follow the crowd.

I don’t care about attention or notoriety, I just want to happy and live a full life..

On my terms.

No one else has the right to tell me how to he, how to look or who to love.

Sure, they’ll shake their heads and call me difficult.

But I’m proud of who I am and the person I’m becoming.

After it’s all said and done,

I just want to be remembered for being authentic and real..

After all, anyone can fall for almost anything, but it takes someone special to stand up for what matters to them.

That’s me.

Strong, proud and free.


10 things a narcissist will never do for you Understanding A Narcissist Quote


Saturday, December 28, 2024

10 Pieces of advice to every woman Quote


10 Pieces of advice to every woman :

1. When respect is no longer there, find your way out. Although it is hard to start over, do not wait until you lose yourself in the process.

2. Do not chase love. Chase your dreams instead.

3. No one has the right to make you feel worthless. You are more than enough.

4. If someone really loves you, he will pursue you and will make real efforts.

5. Please know that you are beautiful together with your scars and imperfection.

6. You do not need to compare yourself to anyone. You have a different journey to take.

7. Your only competition is yourself. Hone your skills and be a better version of you.

8. If it fails, it is not love in the first place. True love bends but it never breaks.

9. Working hard is good but you have to prioritize your health. Find time to be with your family. They are the ones who will be there for you in your darkest days.

10. Prioritize yourself. Love yourself. It has long been overdue.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

‘When life breaks you, it is because you are ready to be put back together differently Quote

 Always remember 

‘When life breaks you, it is because you are ready to be put back together differently. 

Every piece of you that feels shattered is a piece that will find a new place, a new purpose, a new meaning. 

Trust that the cracks are where the light gets in. And sometimes, in our brokenness, we find our greatest wholeness. 

We find the courage to rebuild, to reimagine, to redefine what it means to be strong.

You are not broken; you are breaking through.’

Benefits of leaving a narcissist Quote


I pay more attention to people‘s intentions and mindset rather than their appearance Confusing The Soul With The Shell Quote


I know you’re used to the way all the other women let you do as you pleased, but I’m letting you know that I’m not anything like the rest of them Strong Woman Quote


I know you’re used to the way all the other women let you do as you pleased, but I’m letting you know that I’m not anything like the rest of them.

I don’t care what they did, liked or allowed, I have standards and boundaries that I’m not changing to accommodate your desires.

I know what I want and deserve and there’s nothing anyone can say that will change that-

So, don’t feel badly.

It’s not you..it’s me.

I know my worth and what I’m okay with, and it will never include disrespect, being disregarded or being treated like an option.

I don’t settle and I never will.

So, if you like what the rest of them offered you, maybe you should go chase them, I’m not down with the things they didn’t mind.

I’m genuine, passionate and strong, so if you’re looking for a weak patsy that will let you do what you want, well, you’re knocking on the wrong door.

I deserve the best in this life and I’m never going to accept anything less..

And you shouldn’t either.

You know what you like, so pursue those things..

But if you’re stepping to me seeking my heart, be ready to step up your standards, your character and your treatment of me…

I’m not saying I’m the easiest person to love, but I will tell you that I’m worth it.

I’m worth all the effort, quality and respect you’d want for yourself.

This is who I am and what I expect.

I’m not okay with excuses, laziness or lackluster passion…

More importantly, are you up to my level and

can you handle my truths?





1. YOUR BOUNDARIES : A firm "NO " weakens their control.

2. YOUR CONFIDENCE : They can't manipulate someone who knows their worth.

3. YOU HEALING : Self-awareness breaks their cycle of control.

4. YOUR INDEPENDENCE : Thriving without them terrifies them.

5. YOUR SILENCE  : They can't twist what you don't give them.

6. YOUR INDIFFERENCE : When you stop reacting, they lose their supply.

7. YOUR SELF -LOVE : Loving yourself makes you immune to their criticism.

8. YOUR SUPPORT SYSTEM : Surrounding yourself with positive people weakens their influence.

9. YOUR EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE : Recognizing their manipulation renders them powerless.

10. YOUR ASSERTIVENESS : Standing up for yourself takes away their power.

11. YOUR PERSONAL GROWTH : Evolving beyond their influence makes you untouchable.

12. YOU SETTING PRIORITIES : Focusing on your own needs and desires leaves them irrelevant.

13. YOU WALKING  AWAY : Leaving the toxic relationship behind is the ultimate rejection of their power.

Reclaim your power and watch their games fall apart.

Scrambled Eggs with Feta and Tomatoes Recipe Idea


We love healthy breakfast 🍳 options in our family!! 

Scrambled Eggs with Feta and Tomatoes



* 1/2 cup (2.63 oz) cherry tomatoes halved

* 3 eggs beaten

* 1/8 tsp kosher salt

* 1/4 tsp black pepper

* 1 oz. fat-free feta cheese crumbled (about 1/8 cup)

* 1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley or dill, basil, or chives


1. Season the 3 beaten eggs with a little bit of salt and pepper. Set aside.

2. Add the halved cherry tomatoes (1/2 cup) to the skillet and sauté until softened, about 2 minutes.

3. Add the beaten eggs to the skillet. Use a wooden spoon or spatula to push the eggs into the center of the skillet from the outside, working your way around as they cook.

4. When the eggs are almost cooked (after about 1 minute), add the feta cheese (1 oz.) and chopped fresh parsley or other herbs (1 tablespoon).

5. Stir and finish cooking until the eggs are only just underdone, about 30 seconds more (they will finish cooking completely on the plate from the residual heat).

6. Transfer eggs to a plate and sprinkle with parsley. Eat immediately.

Makes 1 serving

1 lean

1 green

3 condiments

People are creatures of emotion, deeply influenced by their feelings, biases, and personal experiences. Beneath every decision, opinion, or reaction lies a tangled web of pride, insecurities, and vulnerabilities Quote


People are creatures of emotion, deeply influenced by their feelings, biases, and personal experiences. Beneath every decision, opinion, or reaction lies a tangled web of pride, insecurities, and vulnerabilities.

This understanding can change the way we interact with the world. When someone reacts defensively, lashes out, or clings to a belief despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, it’s rarely because they’ve rationally assessed the situation. More often, they are operating from a place of emotion—fear of being wrong, pride in their identity, or a deep-seated need to protect their ego. Recognizing this can save us a great deal of frustration and allow us to approach others with greater empathy and patience.

Think about how many conflicts arise not from the facts of a situation but from how those facts make someone feel. Criticism, no matter how constructive, can feel like an attack on a person’s worth. A disagreement can feel like rejection. And even a well-intentioned correction can bruise someone’s pride. These emotional responses often override logic, pushing people to dig in their heels or even lash out, not because they truly believe they’re right, but because their ego feels threatened.

This isn’t to say we should excuse harmful behavior or let emotional reactions dictate every interaction. But understanding that people are fundamentally emotional creatures can help us navigate relationships more effectively. Instead of trying to "win" an argument or force someone to see things our way, we can focus on building trust, finding common ground, and addressing the emotional undercurrents driving their behavior.

It also reminds us to look inward. How often are we driven by our emotions, our need to be right, or our fear of vulnerability? How many of our own actions are guided by pride and vanity, even when we convince ourselves otherwise?

At the end of the day, recognizing that humans are emotional beings can help us approach life with more compassion. It’s not about excusing irrationality but accepting that it’s part of what makes us human. By seeing others—and ourselves—clearly, we can navigate the complexities of relationships with grace and understanding.

Creamy Parmesan Italian sausage soup Recipe Idea


Creamy Parmesan Italian sausage soup 


1 pound Italian sausage, casing removed

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 small onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

4 cups chicken broth

1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes

1 cup heavy cream

1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

2 cups baby spinach

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

Salt and pepper to taste


In a large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add Italian sausage and cook until browned, breaking it up with a spoon. Remove excess fat if necessary.

Add chopped onion and minced garlic to the pot, and cook until the onion is translucent, about 3-4 minutes.

Pour in the chicken broth and diced tomatoes, and bring to a simmer.

Stir in heavy cream, grated Parmesan cheese, and Italian seasoning. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add baby spinach and cook until wilted, about 2 minutes.

Season with salt and pepper to taste.


For a thicker soup, add a tablespoon of cornstarch mixed with a tablespoon of water.

Serve with crusty bread or garlic bread for a comforting meal.

What is the "Reverse Discard"? A coward's way of breaking off a relationship but figuring out a way to put the blame on the other person for ending it Narcissist Reverse Discard Quote


She's always been a fixer- She wasn't informed that they will do nothing more than break everything they touch Uninformed Girl Quote


Her path was never easy and the load never light.. But she had made herself strong in the fires of life Strong Woman Quote


Her path was never easy and the load never light..

But she had made herself strong in the fires of life.

She had been burned time and again- by love, by life, by the very things and people she held dear.

She didn’t let that dissuade her or bring her down, for she had grown stronger with every failure and braver with every triumph.

When those who admired her asked her why she chose the tougher path,

She’d smile fiercely and ask them,

“What makes you think I saw two paths?”

Her story was a tale of anguish and angst, driven by the pains of disappointment and hurt of bad choices..

But she stood courageously through the storms and even mustered the ability to dance through them a time or two.

And when the night came and silence called forth the demons that had once tried to cover her soul in darkness…

She just kept reaching for the light like the warrior she was…

And slowly, one by one, conquered the voices, the demons and the doubt that had troubled her so often before.

Not with ease or quickness..

But with determination, persistence and force of will.

Most would admire her as a strong woman, though they would never know the price she paid for her ferocity and independence..

A sacrifice of the deepest pain and the most penetrating brokenness.

It was born out of emotional wreckage, sheer will to rise again and the choice to never stay down.

The world thought she was born strong.

She knew she had paid the price and fought through the fire to grow into the person she had become..

And most people would never understand her journey- and they didn’t have to-

She loved and lived by her own choices, and the world never needed to know or approve.

Over time, her claws transformed into wings as she began to survive less and fly more.

Those places she’d been and the scars that told her story?

She wore them with pride and she poured all of her heartbreak and pain into those newly found beautiful wings.

She was meant for more and she wouldn’t stop until she found where she was going, where she was meant to be.

Throughout it all,

She never forgot who she was and where she had come from..every crack, every scar, every broken piece just fueled her rise.

And like the Phoenix,

She would always rise again.

A woman on fire with the courage and passion to burn brightly and never dim..

She was the most brilliant of lights…and she didn’t need a spotlight, she shined from within.
