Thursday, December 26, 2024

Her path was never easy and the load never light.. But she had made herself strong in the fires of life Strong Woman Quote


Her path was never easy and the load never light..

But she had made herself strong in the fires of life.

She had been burned time and again- by love, by life, by the very things and people she held dear.

She didn’t let that dissuade her or bring her down, for she had grown stronger with every failure and braver with every triumph.

When those who admired her asked her why she chose the tougher path,

She’d smile fiercely and ask them,

“What makes you think I saw two paths?”

Her story was a tale of anguish and angst, driven by the pains of disappointment and hurt of bad choices..

But she stood courageously through the storms and even mustered the ability to dance through them a time or two.

And when the night came and silence called forth the demons that had once tried to cover her soul in darkness…

She just kept reaching for the light like the warrior she was…

And slowly, one by one, conquered the voices, the demons and the doubt that had troubled her so often before.

Not with ease or quickness..

But with determination, persistence and force of will.

Most would admire her as a strong woman, though they would never know the price she paid for her ferocity and independence..

A sacrifice of the deepest pain and the most penetrating brokenness.

It was born out of emotional wreckage, sheer will to rise again and the choice to never stay down.

The world thought she was born strong.

She knew she had paid the price and fought through the fire to grow into the person she had become..

And most people would never understand her journey- and they didn’t have to-

She loved and lived by her own choices, and the world never needed to know or approve.

Over time, her claws transformed into wings as she began to survive less and fly more.

Those places she’d been and the scars that told her story?

She wore them with pride and she poured all of her heartbreak and pain into those newly found beautiful wings.

She was meant for more and she wouldn’t stop until she found where she was going, where she was meant to be.

Throughout it all,

She never forgot who she was and where she had come from..every crack, every scar, every broken piece just fueled her rise.

And like the Phoenix,

She would always rise again.

A woman on fire with the courage and passion to burn brightly and never dim..

She was the most brilliant of lights…and she didn’t need a spotlight, she shined from within.


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