Thursday, June 6, 2024

Spending a Little Gift Of Time With My Favorite Grandpups- Tilly (AKA Beans) has mastered the good old side eye cute dog pics


I shared this one on my facebook the other day and just wanted to share here as well.  Why?  Well, why not?  They are super cute and the world needs more cute pics :-)

I just wanted to share some super cute pics of my grandpups that I captured this afternoon! I’m grateful to have these two in my universe and Grammy loved sharing our hour of the “gift of time” this afternoon! ❤️❤️. They are the sweetest! If you look at the third pic- Tilly is giving me the side eye 😒. (The same one that Diesel does). I’m thinking that they both got that trait from Courtney as Tilly couldn’t have learned that from me and I know I didn’t teach Diesel that. After analyzing Tilly”s side eye this afternoon- it’s obvious that’s there’s one common denominator with the two dogs 🤷‍♀️🙄😂. Gus is more like his Dad 😉

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