Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Worst Pain Is When You Don't Know Whether To Wait Or To Just Forget Deep Thought Quote Share


I lie in bed, wide awake- I can’t sleep because I can’t shut off my thoughts.
I’m in that weird place that doesn’t allow my mind to stop..
The thoughts, the cares and concerns just keep turning over in my mind.
My heart and my head are waging war and I’m just caught in the middle.
It’s the most difficult place to be when you just don’t know what to do.
My head tells me to walk away, that you’ll never figure out what you want and why wait forever..when that’s how long it might take you to know if you want to make this work..
Or if you even love me.
My heart tells me to hang on, give you the space and time to sort out your feelings.
That we could have something beautiful once we get past this weird place that we’re in.
It makes my heart hurt a little more every day as we linger..
I don’t know if I should move on and try to forget you..or if I should hold and hope this works out.
They say love isn’t enough and I’m holding my breath hoping that you’ll discover what I mean to you..
I’ve loved you for longer than I care to admit, and truthfully, parts of me wishes I hadn’t fallen for you, but there’s no going back.
I’m at the crossroads that makes me cry in the shower as I just want so much for us to work out..but we’re in that limbo because you say you just don’t know..
You can want someone so much that it hurts physically..and there’s times that I can’t breathe as I think of losing you..
But as the night falls and I’m lost in a montage of happy thoughts of us..
It’s all I can think of and I would give anything to just stop thinking..
But the realization of how empty this feels slowly dawns on me..and I finally know:
I can’t do this anymore,
It’s tearing me apart and if you don’t care, don’t want this or can’t “figure it out,” I’m moving on.
My self respect, my self love and my happiness is worth more than staying in limbo hoping you’ll decide you want me.
The sun will rise tomorrow on a different me with a different plan..and I’m going to hold firm and do what I know I must :
Walk away.
Not because I don’t care or I don’t love you, but because you don’t.
I’m tired of the sleepless night and tears.
I gave you all the chances and did everything I could to make this work.
It takes two and you’re just not there..
And you may never get there.
I won’t be there to find out, sadly.
I loved you the best I could but finally understood what I knew all along.
Sometimes, love alone just isn’t enough.

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