Thursday, October 17, 2024

She hasn’t had the easiest life- in fact, it has often brought her to her knees Strong Woman Reality Quote By Ravenwolf


I absolutely love her writing and will always share.  My only hope is that it inspires other women.  We are in this thing called life together ladies!   Sending love to all!

She hasn’t had the easiest life- in fact, it has often brought her to her knees.
While the people she meets would marvel at her strength, they don’t know the struggles she’s endured to become the woman she is today.
Yes, she’s found a way to dig deep and rise above the fire that once threatened to tear her apart.
She still cries in the shower sometimes and fights to keep it together..but she knows what it takes now to keep moving forward.
There’s still days that she battles just to keep a smile on her face, but she’s become used to that- she’s a fighter.
She’s walked through the fire, risen from the ashes and did what she had to do to survive the hard times..
And she doesn’t regret any of it.
She learned from the toughest challenges what it takes to do more than simply survive...she wants to thrive and be happy, most of all.
She is done living day to day and heartbreak to heartache.
She’s determined to thrive, rise above and find her wings again.
She’s not a princess, a damsel in distress or a starry eyed girl in search of love.
She’s turned her pain into power and transformed herself into a queen..
Never settling, accepting no excuses and no longer allowing anyone to mistreat or disrespect her.
She’ll admit that she doesn’t have all the answers and she doesn’t always know what her days will bring..and she’s more than okay with that.
She’s gritty, courageous and full of zeal.
Maybe she falls and stumbles, perhaps she takes some wrong turns and makes some bad decisions.
She owns her mistakes and appreciates life in the small moments of beauty that she sees.
To her, strong is the new pretty and she’s not out to impress or win anyone’s approval.
She’s happy living her best life and spreading sparkle, love and sassy wherever she goes.
Oh, and one more thing..
When they try to call her “princess”, “hot”, or “sweetheart,” she’ll just smile at them and remind them in the most charming way she knows how..
“I think you’re mispronouncing queen, darling.”
And with a smile and a wink, they realize that she’s one of a kind..
Queens aren’t born, they’re made.
With her crown forged in the fire, she was made to be great.

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