Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Be Louder Than The Things That Tried To Destroy You Inspirational Quote


Loved this one and it was a great morning read so just thought I would share.  Have a great day friends!

Don’t let them win…
Don’t let the hardest moments in your life or people who did the wrong thing by you, stop you from chasing your dreams.
Don’t let people who have hurt you, let you down, and tried to crush your spirit stop you from rising and creating the best version of your life yet.
Maybe you've been badly hurt.
Maybe you've been undeservedly betrayed.
Maybe your heart needs some time to heal.
But don’t you dare think about giving up.
Don’t you dare stop dreaming.
Because just when you least expect it and you’ve almost given up all hope, that's when life turns around just like that…
Use the energy of the pain they've left you with to create who you've always wanted to become, and the life you've always wanted.
Be defiant about it!
Be louder than the things that tried to destroy you.
Let your heart rage with the love that someone once took for granted, and give that love to yourself for a little while.
Love yourself so much so that when someone comes along who is actually worthy and deserving of your love, you can share it and make them a part of your world because there’s so much of it.
In amongst all of the chaos your dreams are still there!
The only difference is you’re now no longer carrying someone who would never have been happy for you anyway.
Let them go entirely and let them miss out on your beautiful life.
Let your tears flow when they need to flow.
Let yourself feel what you need to feel.
But don’t you dare miss a single moment more for someone who didn’t deserve to be a part of it anyway…
~ Mark

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