Thursday, May 9, 2024

I Stopped Shrinking Myself To Fit The People That I Have Outgrown Inspirational Quote


I decided to stop trying to be whatever everyone else thought I should be.
I learned a long time ago that not everyone would like me or understand me..
And I’m good with that, so long as the ones who love me get me..and they do.
I don’t have to dim someone else’s light to make mine shine brighter.
I think big and dream bigger, so there’s people who will always look down on me because I’m not like them.
Here’s a hint: I like me just the way I am and I’m not changing to make anyone else happy.
I’m done trying to please everyone else, because all that ever did was make me unhappy.
I’m leaving those small people with small minds and smaller ideas in my past,
I’m not letting anyone or anything keep me down.
Forget the boxes they tried to fit around me and the labels that never really worked,
I’m more than a size, a stereotype or a number on the scale.
I’ll never be defined by someone else’s idea of who or what I should be. I’m uniquely me, so that concept of making me conform to some outdated ideal will never work.
I’ve got a lot of love to give and a beautiful soul to share with the people I care about.
I keep my circle small and my heart guarded- I’m not going back to those places that tore me down before.
I’ve burned those bridges that led me to the wrong places with the wrong people long ago.
This is a new day and a new me:
I’m living with purpose and loving with passion.
The ones who love me will always be right beside me, cheering me on and sharing the light.
You can keep your lukewarm desire and your mediocre love,
I don’t believe in doing anything halfway.
If you can’t give me your respect, love and passion the way I deserve, then that’s your choice.
I’ve got one life, and I’m not settling for anything less than the best in my dreams, my friends and most of all, my partner.
Some may say I’ve got an attitude and they’re’s strong and fearless.
I know what I want and who I am, and I’ll accept nothing less than the very best from the people in my life.
So, if you want to try to define me by all the other people you’ve ever known, let me stop you right there.
You’ve never met someone like me and you never will again.
So, if you want to love me on my terms with the respect and passion that I expect, then take my hand and let’s chase some adventure.
If you think I’m like the others and I fit into smaller boxes of lesser people,
Try again.
You can’t cage my strong spirit and fiery heart, so don’t even try to dull my shine.
Taming me will never be an option I’ll be okay with, so run with me instead.
I’ve got dreams to catch and love to share, so if you can’t handle my truth,
Perhaps you should look elsewhere.
It’s my time to soar and spread my wings, and I’m excited about my future.
The question is, can you accept me just the way I am?

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