Thursday, May 9, 2024

She's A Strong Woman With A Soft Heart and A Fierce Love- Never Underestimate Her Though Strong Woman Quote


She’s the type of woman that men want to tame and women aspire to become.
She’ll never be the sort to blend in, keep to herself or go about her life quietly..
She has too much passion, spirit and zeal for life to not make herself heard or seen.
While many shy away from her fierce nature, unable to understand her and frankly, just a little afraid of her, too.
She’s that undefinable creature that inspires others just by the way she chooses to live her life.
Men are constantly enthralled by her until they realize that she’s not the woman that they can control or manipulate..
Just the opposite, in fact.
She’s not had the easiest life or had anything given to her, she’s had to scrap for everything she has..and she appreciates everything more because of it.
It’s made her strong, feisty and unstoppable..even on the days she didn’t feel like she was at her best.
She still kept going, climbing and fighting.
Her heart beats fiercely, for she is and always will be a warrior- rising to any challenge and always there for the people in her life.
Some would call her difficult, incorrigible or stubborn, and she just smiles and thanks them for the compliments.
Mere words will never penetrate her thick skin anymore- she’s been down that road and learned those lessons the hard way.
She’s heard it all and has been called everything you can imagine..and it never changed anything about her other than to push her harder.
But the side of her that she keeps guarded, hidden from the world and only shared with her close quite different.
Loving, generous and supportive, she’s the one they can always count on to listen, love and accept without condition, every time.
She fights through life with a warrior heart and loves through life with a passionate soul.
She values both sides equally, for she knows true balance is the key to happiness.
And in the end, that’s all she really wants- to be happy.
She doesn’t need attention, the limelight or fancy things.
She wants the simplest that life has to offer:
Peace, happiness and love.
So, if she has to battle for those things, so be it.
But she’ll never waste her time or energy on small minded people, frivolous pursuits or welcome those who can’t be themselves.
But never underestimate a woman like her.
She may be many things, but you’ll never find her to be a fool.
And if you happen to overlook her or count her out, well, one thing’s for certain:
It’ll be the last time you ever do.

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