Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Never Underestimate The Power Of A Woman Who Has Fought And Won All Her Battles Alone Quote


I know when we met you thought you knew exactly the type of woman I was.
That was your first mistake.
Your second error was treating me like all the rest and expecting that would be good enough.
You don’t treat a diamond with anything less than the best of everything and expect it to be okay.
I’ll never accept being an option nor will I settle for disrespect and dismissal.
Your biggest mistake was thinking that I would accept scraps of your time and attention and be happy with it.
I’m not that kind of woman- not one in a million, but once in a lifetime.
So, you have a choice to step up and give me your best or I’ll step away and close the door.
No hard feelings, really-
Not everyone is capable of handling my intensity, depth and quality.
I’m holding out for the one who can see the oceans in my eyes and is willing to swim my depths to feel my soul…
On all the levels that make me absolutely unique-
Emotionally, physically, intellectually and soulfully.
I’m in this life for the type of love story that curls my toes, races my pulse and intrigues my mind, body and soul.
Anything less is well, for everyone else.
Yes, I have high standards- the highest.
No, I won’t change who I am to please anyone.
I’ve worked too hard, fought too many battles all alone to become the person I am…
Settling and changing will never be something I’m okay with.
So I hope that maybe we understand each other just a little bit better now…
I’ve worked hard to become the woman you see before you.
I don’t need love because I quite adore myself…
So if you’re wanting a place in my life, you’ll have to earn it-
With patience, character, passion and depth.
Anything less will never do.
The question is..
Can you handle my truth?

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