Wednesday, June 5, 2024

She Needed To Live Again- She Needed To Love Herself Again- She Needed To Feel Like A Woman Again Strong Women Inspirational Quote


She was tired of just doing what she had to do to survive.
It was thankless and never fulfilling…
So she made a decision to stop going through the motions in her life and finding ways to come alive again.
It has been a while since she’d felt the magic that once filled her soul during her younger years.
Truthfully, she wasn’t totally sure that she could reclaim those long forgotten parts of her that she’d lost along the way..
But as she stood in front of the mirror, gaze leveled and brows furrowed, she promised herself that she had to find a way to feel all the things she once loved.
She couldn’t just do what she had to do anymore -
She needed more.
She craved more.
Her heart longed to beat vivaciously and her soul whispered of the long lost feelings that moved her.
Stuck going through the motions of an ordinary life, she had lost the zealous passion that made her feel alive.
As she studied her features in the mirror, she promised herself that she wasn’t going to be happy any longer doing what she had been doing.
Every part of her screamed out in anguish, pushing her to search for herself again, discover new paths and remember the things that made her happy.
She was closing the chapter on what had been and starting down a new road towards fulfillment.
Just as it had taken her some time to lose herself in her journeys, coming home would take effort, courage and patience…
But she wasn’t content any longer to sit still and just…be.
She wanted to feel the wind rustling through her hair, conversations that inspired her soul and losing herself in all the things that made her come alive in ways nothing else could.
She hadn’t been living, she’d been existing…and she was done with a halfway life.
She was choosing a new path, one of self discovery, self love and self fulfillment.
She needed to feel that spark she had so long ago- and she wouldn’t stop until she did.
It was time to embrace her life fully, become the strong person that she was meant to be, and most of all,
It was time to again feel like the amazing woman she had been all along.

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