Thursday, July 18, 2024

Bowling 🎳 ball return humping after a triple funny bowling video


So I bowl on a bowling league on Wednesday nights.   We had a substitute last night as one of our bowlers couldn't make it.  This particular guy always does funny bowling ball return humping funny gestures.  He bowled first in the lineup, he struck out in the 10th and did his bowling return "infamous hump".  I bowled second.  I told him that if I struck out, I would hump the bowling return (jokingly of course)   I was having a bad game that game so I didn't even think I would.  Well, I did and I honored my word.  My stepdad took this video after I threw the first two strikes.  When he text me this today, I just had to laugh.  How embarrassing???   I'm definitely NOT a good ball humper!  SMH

I'm a dork!  You have to have some fun in this life though because loving life is important!

Have a great day friends! 

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