Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pay attention to who claps for you because not everyone will- It's a sad reality but it's the truth reality quote


Pay attention to who claps.
Because not everyone is going to.
It’s a sad reality, but it’s true.
Not everyone is going to clap for you. Not everyone is going to stand in your corner. Not everyone is going to cheer you on.
It’s doesn’t matter how kind you are, talented you are, or intelligent you are, so don’t take it personal.
It’s just the way things work out sometimes.
Some will judge you. Some will talk about you.
And that’s not a reflection on who you are, Love.
It’s simply a reflection on who they are.
Keep putting your light out into this world, knowing that there are people around you happy to be a part of it.
Oh, and just a piece of advice: Don’t pay so much attention to the ones who are not clapping,
That you forget to notice the ones who are.
For they’re everything that’s right in your world.

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