Sunday, December 1, 2024

A survivor of complex trauma may not even know they are traumatized because that's all they have ever known as normal Complex Trauma Quote


That's one reason why it's so easy to repeat the cycles, and why the generational trauma trickles down like it does. And to compound it- people typically surround themselves with friends and connections that are familiar, or "like them", so then the entire environment, as dysfunctional as it may be, is THE ONLY NORMAL a child really knows.
As the child grows into adulthood- they continue to surround themselves with those same "familiar" connections and relationships as well.
Cognitive dissonance makes it really difficult to break free of the cycle and build new connections outside of the dysfunctional circle.
You must first "burn down" the programming and belief system pushed on you by your caregivers.. Only then can you truly think for yourself and come to your own conclusions, and then we can build different relationships and connections.
That's a major player in shifting from "their" normal to a new healthier normal.
That's given me a lot more understanding and compassion with/for myself and others.

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