Friday, February 28, 2025

I’m not breaking my own heart so others can be whole anymore


I’ve spent too much time trying to fix, save or make others whole that didn’t really care about me.

It was always about what I could do for them or how I could help them..and the things I wanted never seemed to matter.

No matter how deeply I cared, how much I loved or everything I did, it was never enough.

I was always the one left holding pieces of a broken heart while they moved on to someone new.

After a while, you just get tired of picking up the pieces and trying to pull yourself back together..

I made up my mind I’m done breaking my own heart to make others whole.

I’m done lowering my standards to let people that didn’t deserve my time, my attention or my affection take so much from me.

Every breakup taught me something and each friend that vanished was a lesson.

I realized who was there for me all along and who was just a chapter in my story.

People will enter your life for a reason, a season or to be a lesson..

That was something I had to truly take to heart and realize who was going to stick around..and who was just passing through.

I had to stop accepting lesser treatment from lesser people..

The ones that came along to use me, mistreat me or abuse me in whatever way suited their needs.

I’m done with that.

I’m better than that.

I’m more than enough and I deserve better than the treatment I’ve allowed from others.

It’s hard sometimes to let people go that were never meant for you, but the ones that love me will always accept and support me because they’ve always stood by my side.

Today seems like a great day to start a new story..

One full of hope, promise and love..

I’m leaving all the negativity and baggage behind, because it’s not going to do anything but weigh me down.

So, I’m raising a toast to the new me, a new day and a new story.

I’ve got a new attitude, a new perspective and new dreams..

And they all start with me-

Because I’m amazing..

And I’m more than just worth it,

I’m worth it all.


Stay where your presence is cherished, not just acknowledged


Stay where your presence is cherished, not just acknowledged. Be with those who see you for who you are, not just for what you can offer. The right people will never make you question your place in their lives. You will not have to chase, beg, or prove your worth.

Life is too short to stay where your soul feels unseen. True connection is effortless. It does not demand that you shrink, change, or exhaust yourself just to be accepted. You belong where your presence is felt even in your silence, where your absence leaves a void, and where being yourself is enough.

— Grow up

Narcissists have two sets of rules Narcissistic Person Quote


Someone doesn’t like my attitude??? Please give me one nanosecond to recover from my grief Uncaring Girl Quote


One day, - you will meet a guy- he will know everything about you - even how you chew and he will love everything about you Don’t Settle Reminder Quote


She doesn’t kiss ass and she doesn’t play games Strong Woman Quote


Be kind but destroy what destroys you Strong Bitch Quote


How narcissistic abuse makes you feel Healing ❤️‍🩹 From Narcissism Quote


Blow jobs and shampooing hair in the shower relationship tip Quote


I don’t wanna pretend that this chaos feels normal because it doesn’t Needing to Connect with Someone Real Quote


This isn’t how I want to be loved for the rest of my life Seeking Real Love Quote


Anything that annoys you is teaching you patience Self Control Quote


Real is rare and fake is everywhere Fake People Quote


I want someone who’s only in love with me “REAL” Love ❤️ Meaning Quote


How narcissists show that they are the true victim Fake Victim Quote


The men with unhealed childhood trauma become the "nice guy" who are usually very defensive, mean, selfish & will shut down completely in a romantic relationship, but they're considered "nice guys" to everyone else outside their personal relationship. Because they wear a facade/mask in front of everyone, but the mask eventually falls off with their partner


The men with unhealed childhood trauma become the "nice guy" who are usually very defensive, mean, selfish & will shut down completely in a romantic relationship, but they're considered "nice guys" to everyone else outside their personal relationship. Because they wear a facade/mask in front of everyone, but the mask eventually falls off with their partner. Their partner ends up being the only one that sees the "nice guy's" true colors. (If you feel called out, then you have work to do on yourself.)

These wounds typically come from how these men were raised. This mindset was taught to them by their parents or other influential people in their life. So having this mindset is not exactly his fault & he should never be ashamed of it, but it is his job to work on it or he'll end up sabotaging every relationship he has in the future. 

But as a result, talking out problems with his partner become extremely difficult, because he probably avoided expressing his feelings when he was younger & now he does it as an adult too. That's because someone told him that feelings are weak, masculine/alpha men don't cry or show any emotions etc. 

This is why most women will appear drained & exhausted when they're in a relationship with unhealed men. Because she can't keep giving him the emotional, mental, spiritual & physical support, if he doesn't know how to reciprocate it back to her. Learning to love yourself first, will give you the ability to love someone else correctly. 

Dear Men,

The truth is, your unhealed pain silently shapes the dynamic of your relationship. While you might strive to be the perfect partner, a good woman knows nobody is perfect. We're not asking for perfection from you. All we want a trying man, that's willing to sit down & talk about the issues without either person pointing fingers or blaming each other. Talking out the issues helps us both come to a healthy resolution & solution. But your defenses, bitterness & resentment from the past will build walls that can make it very difficult for those you love to truly reach you. When you shut down on your partner, you unintentionally shut out the love & connection that could help both of you heal properly.

Understand that when you avoid facing your inner wounds, you allow them to dictate how you interact with your partner. This isn’t because you don’t care about them, it's because your emotional armor is still intact & it's preventing you from truly being present in the relationship. Women can sense this absence & it often leaves them feeling isolated, even when you’re physically there.

It's important to realize that this isn't about blaming you. You may have been taught to suppress your feelings, to "man up" or "put on a brave face". But holding it all in doesn’t make you stronger — it makes you fragile. Your unresolved trauma can manifest as defensiveness, as a reluctance to trust or open up fully. Over time, this behavior starts to drain the closet people around you, especially the woman who longs for your vulnerability & presence.

Her exhaustion isn’t just physical, it’s emotional & mental too. She’s carrying the weight of trying to reach you, to understand you, while you silently suffer inside. Every time you withdraw, she’s left to wonder if she's doing something wrong. This cycle can lead to confusion, resentment & emotional depletion on both sides.

What you don’t realize is that your pain doesn’t have to define your relationship. You don’t have to stay in the role of the nice guy who retreats into himself when the pressure is too much. Healing requires courage — the courage to face the past, to confront the emotions you’ve been avoiding. It means allowing yourself to feel, to express & to be real with the one you love.

She wants to see the real you, the raw, unguarded version of you. The man who is willing to heal, to be vulnerable & to embrace the true power of emotional intimacy. When you do this, you not only give her the love she deserves but you also create safe space for your own healing. It creates a beautiful cycle of mutual support & understanding that can transform both of you into better versions of yourselves.

The healing journey isn’t easy for anyone, but it’s necessary & worth taking. Start small — acknowledge your feelings, take responsibility for your triggers & seek the support or guidance you need. Surround yourself with people who encourage your growth & most importantly, allow yourself the grace to heal at your own pace.

As you heal, you’ll figure out that your relationship has become more fulfilling. No longer will you have to hide behind a facade of being the "nice guy." Instead, you'll be the man who is strong because he is whole, a man who gives love freely because he has learned to give love to himself first.

Dear Men, 

This is your time to stop running from the very thing that holds the power to set you free. Let go of the past, open your heart & let the healing begin. It won’t happen overnight, but with each step forward, you’ll become more of the man you were always meant to be.

Embrace your vulnerability & watch how it transforms not just your relationship but your entire life. You have the strength to heal & in doing so, you can bring healing to the woman you love too. 

Side Note Fellas: The right woman won't make you feel like your feelings don't matter or that you have to hide them away from her. She will support your growth & vulnerability. The connection will feel magical & like something that you've never experienced before. So if you're with a woman that doesn't like that you express your vulnerability to her, then I'm sorry to say this but you're not with the right one. Because a good woman cares about the entire well-being of her partner.

Some people have to pretend you’re the bad person so they don’t feel guilty about the shitty things that they did to you Shitty People Quote


Slow down- Make every moment count Inspirational Life Quote


And in the end, I believe that we don’t need to do anything to be loved Self Love Quote


Your body is not a coffin for pain to be buried in Healing Quote


She’s a keeper, too bad you were an idiot that didn’t keep her Girl Worth Keeping Quote


I know this can be difficult to hear, but sometimes it’s not time yet for someone you love to heal something Healing ❤️‍🩹 Quote


Do you look both ways before you get on my fucking nerves Quote


I see how your kindness shines through for others even when it’s hard to be kind to yourself Kind Person Quote


The best decision I ever made was to be quiet


The best decision I ever made was to be quiet. 

I have nothing to prove. 

I'm not convincing anyone that I'm a great person.

I'm not fixing what I didn't break. 

I'm not fighting for anyone to see my worth.

Whatever you do is on you. 

Just hope you don't regret it. 

As for me, I'm moving forward, free and at peace. 🖤🕊️🤍

Advice for women in the dating world


Advice for women in the dating world. 

You will never convince a man to love you.

 Find a man who answers when you call and texts back within minutes rather than days. 

 Find a man that gives you clear cut answers and doesn’t leave you wondering where you stand.

 Find a man that wants to make you a part of his life rather than a chapter in his book.

 Find a man who doesn’t take years and years to figure out what he wants from you.

 Find a man who respects, celebrates and encourages your individuality, your education, your spirituality, and your growth. 

 Remember It is never asking too much from a man to be considered a priority.

 Find a man who is genuinely interested in you and pursues you on a daily basis. 

 Find a man who asks you to go to church with him.

 Find a man that never let's you go to sleep at night wondering if you still matter. 

 Watch how a man treats his mother. You can learn alot from how someone treats the person that brought them into this world.

Never chase a man because of his looks because one day those looks will eventually fade and what your left with is what's inside so don't be consumed by his physical traits. 

 Find a man who protects you and stands up for you even when you're not around. 

 Find a man who values you and who would never put themselves in a position to lose you. 

Find a man who wakes up everyday looking for new ways to love you.

 Find a man that understands it's not about giving you the world but making you feel like you're the only one in it. 

Take my advice and remember your time is precious. Don't waste it on someone who doesn't realize you are too.

Sometimes, the most powerful response is simply walking away in peace.


Sometimes, I feel the urge to respond to the disrespect I get. 

But when I pause and really look at where they’re coming from, their mindset, their struggles, and the weight they carry every day, I see things differently. 

I realize I don’t need to add to their pain because life is already teaching them lessons I never could. 

Not every battle needs a reaction. 

Sometimes, the most powerful response is simply walking away in peace. 🖤🥀

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we need to save someone Quote


It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we need to save someone, believing we know what’s best for them, but healing can only happen when they’re ready, not when we force it.

Detachment isn’t about being coldhearted or unkind. It’s about honoring who you are, respecting yourself, and protecting your peace


Detachment isn’t about being coldhearted or unkind. It’s about honoring who you are, respecting yourself, and protecting your peace. 

It’s loving people for who they are instead of who you want them to be. It’s moving with certainty and trusting your path without needing to control the outcomes. 

It’s living without fighting and giving without demanding because your intentions are pure and your expectations are placed on yourself, not on others. 

It’s walking away gracefully from people, places, and experiences that don’t align with how you want your life to feel. 

It’s accepting that you are the only person responsible for how you feel, behave, and live your life.

Detachment is self love and protection. It’s a daily commitment to love without need and give without expectation. 

It’s freedom from chaining your happiness to someone else’s actions. 

~ Jill Schmidt ❤️

She was anything but an ordinary woman and she’d never give up on herself or her dreams. Because deep down in the places that mattered- heart, soul and spirit, there burned a fire in her that would never be extinguished


She wasn’t a creature that many truly understood, for her fierce nature and strong will intimidated many..

They didn’t know the sacrifices she had made to become the person she is..and they’d never understand how broken she once was.

Truthfully, a woman like her scared most people, for she represented all those things in life that they were afraid of:

Fiery passion, unstoppable spirit and beautiful brokenness.

She didn’t fit into a box or label, and they could never define her..

She was the enigmatic unknown that was all the things they wanted but never knew how to be.

She went all in for the people she loved, the dreams she pursued and the challenges she tackled..

There would never be a place for halfway in her life.

All or nothing.

Passionate love or none at all.

Chasing her dreams or never trying.

She didn’t know how to take no for an answer and she never stayed down.

Her ability to keep fighting, keep rising and keep going amazed all who witnessed her..

And they thought she had a choice..

But she never did.

Not from the earliest days as a young girl fighting to find herself til now, nothing was ever given or came easy.

She earned everything she got and paid dearly for her success in heartache and tears..

But it was just who she was and would always be.

A dreamer,

A warrior,

A lover.

Beautifully broken.

She’d never be perfect nor did she want to be.

She loved her life and kept living every day to its fullest and enjoying the beauty of the moments.

Maybe she had been broken once, beaten down and hurt, but she came back stronger, better and wiser.

She was anything but an ordinary woman and she’d never give up on herself or her dreams.

Because deep down in the places that mattered- heart, soul and spirit, there burned a fire in her that would never be extinguished..

And like the Phoenix, she would always rise again out of the ashes..

Unstoppable, brave and beautiful, just the way she was.

Strong women aren’t destroyed by the fire,

They become stronger and rise through the flames,

Reborn a fiery Phoenix.


My whole family is crazy - that shit didn’t start with me Crazy 🤪 Family Quote


20 compliments that women love to hear


Little things that aren’t little Big Things Quote


Gratitude for the now is what will take you places Gratitude Quote


Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness Reminder Quote


Blowjob Betty is still a hoe Quote


She’s a special kind of woman Special Woman Quote


You still have time “Gift Of Time” Quote


My attitude is up to you- Don’t screw her over Bad Woman Quote


Some people just want a front row seat to your pain Trust Quote


Random pics of Diesel the Dog and Kip the Cat waiting on snacks Cute 🥰 Pet Pics


I can be mean as fuck or sweet as candy Crazy 🤪 Girl Quote


I’m not a hot mess. I’m the crazy bitch that you should think twice about fucking with Crazy Girl Quote


I am not perfect and I say stupid things sometimes Loving Girl Quote


The “I don’t give a fuck side of my personality” Fed Up Girl Quote


Just a friendly reminder to set those boundaries and stand firm Boundary Setting Quote


Some people have to pretend that you are the bad person so they don’t feel guilty about being a shitty person Accountability Quote


Being an Old Soul is Difficult - Reality of an Old Soul Quote


15 signs that you are being manipulated Quote