Saturday, March 15, 2025

I know you’ve had your fair share of disappointment, heartbreak and sadness in your life. Times where you were knocked down, counted out or just tossed aside


I know you’ve had your fair share of disappointment, heartbreak and sadness in your life.

Times where you were knocked down, counted out or just tossed aside.

While there’s a lesson in every heartache, that’s not what you remember..

You’re still healing from the pain, the memories and the people that let you down.

But those were just chapters in your story, not your entire tale.

Every journey has roadblocks, detours and unexpected changes..that’s just the mystery of life.

All that weight from past pain and angst from the hurt..let it go.

Release the negative from your past with positive from your present.

No, I’m not saying it’s easy, fast or painless, because it’s not..not even close.

But what am I telling you is that it is worth it.

You can’t grab the joy of today if you’re still holding onto yesterday’s pain.

Start replacing the emptiness with happiness.

Do the things you love, no matter how big or small, regardless of how often or why.

Whatever those things are-

Writing your book.

Taking a sculpture class.

Taking a trip overseas.

Cooking a food you love.

You don’t have to change your life overnight or act heroically to evolve..

It’s about the little steps, one small thing after another, if you must.

Doing those things you enjoy will light up your heart and fill your soul.

You’ve been letting the emptiness take up too much space in you.

Start filling that with joy, the things that make you feel alive.

Music, dancing , traveling..

Whatever it is, just do it.

Do it and don’t apologize, rationalize or feel badly for taking care of you.

If you never heal from those things you don’t talk about, you’ll never feel truly alive in the way that you deserve.

You need that.

The world is broken and it needs you to light your fire.

Maybe, together, we can start to warm this cold place and bring back the beautiful moments that bring us closer and empower us all.

Call me naive, say I’m a dreamer , whatever you’d like..

But take my hand and let’s go find some fire for our spirits.

You might just be surprised the happiness we find along the way.


#believe #inspire #inspiration #motivate #positivity #quotes

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