Sunday, March 23, 2025

“Lie with me” Art of Being Lonely Quote


"Lie With Me"

Lie with me for the night,

This temptation, I can't fight,

Tell me it will be alright,

As we dance in the moonlight.

Make me believe you care,

That you'll always be there,

Lie, even though I am aware,

With your come f*ck me stare.

Been so long, I need to feel,

Lie with me, pretend it's real,

I've got blankets, you can steal,

I've got clothes for you to peel.

Just lie with me for a while,

Make me fall for that smile,

To feel a touch, I'd walk a mile,

We can keep a low profile.

I'm human, I've got my needs,

Plant a flower, sow some seeds,

Lie to me so my heart bleeds,

Climax to some dirty deeds.

Make me later, reminisce,

On a night that I will always miss,

A perfect touch, passionate kiss,

Lie with me in a sinfull bliss.

Just gaze into my yearning eyes,

With all the fake love in disguise,

Tell me the sweetest little lies,

Make your way between my thighs.

Fulfill my fantasy, my desire,

Come on baby, light my fire,

Give me something to admire,

Take me down to bring me higher.

Eat me like I'm your last meal,

Good god, something, I need to feel,

Apply the pressure, break the seal,

F*ck me like a love that's real.

Lie to me, swear I won't be mad,

Smack my ass, make me glad,

Just be good at being bad,

Cuz I'm sick to death of being sad!

Lie this one time, I'll believe,

I need an outlet, need a reprieve,

Give me something to relieve,

Just this one night, lie with me.

- Nikki Sapphire 

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