Friday, March 21, 2025

"You don’t need to tiptoe through life, softening your presence to make others comfortable. Let them hear every damn step you take the thunder of your confidence, the rhythm of your resilience, the echo of your unshakable truth. Walk with your head high, your heart open, and your spirit unapologetic. You are not here to shrink, to fade, or to blend into the background. You are here to take up space, to leave your mark, to show the world what it means to be a woman who owns her power.


"You don’t need to tiptoe through life, softening your presence to make others comfortable. Let them hear every damn step you take the thunder of your confidence, the rhythm of your resilience, the echo of your unshakable truth. Walk with your head high, your heart open, and your spirit unapologetic. You are not here to shrink, to fade, or to blend into the background. You are here to take up space, to leave your mark, to show the world what it means to be a woman who owns her power.

Let your footsteps be a declaration, a reminder that you are not afraid to be seen, to be heard, to be known. Let them be a testament to your strength, your courage, your refusal to be silenced. Every step you take is a statement—a bold, undeniable affirmation of your worth, your dreams, your right to exist exactly as you are.

So walk with purpose. Walk with pride. Walk with the kind of confidence that shakes the ground beneath you. Because you are not here to tiptoe through life. You are here to march, to stride, to conquer. And with every step, you are showing the world that you are a force to be reckoned with—a woman who knows her power and isn’t afraid to use it.

Let your steps echo through the halls of doubt and fear, shattering the illusions that once held you back. Each stride is a rebellion against the expectations that tried to confine you, a defiance of the voices that whispered you weren’t enough. You are rewriting the narrative, one firm, unyielding step at a time.

Your footsteps are not just movement—they are momentum. They carry the weight of every challenge you’ve overcome, every dream you’ve dared to chase, every part of yourself you’ve fought to reclaim. They are proof that you are moving forward, even when the path is steep, even when the world tries to push you back.

And as you walk, remember this: you are not alone. Your steps join a chorus of women who have walked before you, beside you, and will walk after you. Together, your footsteps create a storm of strength, a rhythm of resilience that cannot be ignored. You are part of something bigger, a legacy of women who refuse to be small, who refuse to be silent, who refuse to be anything but extraordinary.

So keep walking. Keep making noise. Keep showing up as the fullest, fiercest version of yourself. Let them hear your steps and know that you are here—not to tiptoe, but to take what is yours. Let them see the trail you leave behind, a path lit by your courage, your passion, your unyielding belief in who you are.

Because you are not just walking, you are rising. And with every step, you are reminding the world, and yourself, that you were born to be loud, to be bold, to be unapologetically, undeniably, unstoppable.

And as you walk, let your steps become a beacon for others, a reminder that they, too, can rise, can roar, can reclaim their power. Your journey is not just yours; it is a testament to what is possible when a woman refuses to be silenced, when she chooses to stand tall in her truth, when she dares to take up space in a world that often tries to shrink her.

Let your footsteps be a call to action, a rallying cry for every woman who has ever doubted her worth, every soul who has ever felt invisible. Show them that they don’t need to tiptoe through life, that their voice, their presence, their dreams matter. Your steps are proof that they can walk boldly, unapologetically, fiercely into their own light.

And as you reach the horizon of your journey, know that your footsteps will echo long after you’ve passed. They will inspire, they will empower, they will remind the world that a woman who walks with purpose is a force that cannot be contained. You are leaving a legacy, not just in the paths you carve, but in the hearts you ignite along the way.

So walk on, unafraid and unrelenting. Let every step be a celebration of who you are, a declaration of what you stand for, a testament to the power of a woman who knows her worth. For you are not just walking, you are living proof that the world bends to the will of those who dare to make noise, to take up space, to walk with the kind of courage that changes everything.

And in the end, when you look back at the trail you’ve left behind, you’ll see not just footsteps, but a legacy, a story of strength, resilience, and unshakable belief in the power of a woman who refused to tiptoe. You are a revolution. And the world will never forget the sound of your steps."

-Steve De'lano Garcia

For too long, I let everything I’ve ever done wrong, everything people have said about me and all the bad choices I’ve made… ruin my days.


For too long, I let everything I’ve ever done wrong, everything people have said about me and all the bad choices I’ve made… ruin my days.

I held onto the past so much I didn’t know how to enjoy the present.

That stops now.

Maybe I don’t have the answers or know what tomorrow brings.

I don’t have to.

I’m taking back my power, focusing on myself and what I can control and letting go of the rest.

All those gross opinions about who I am and what I’m doing ?

I don’t care anymore.

This is my life and my journey and I don’t owe anyone an explanation about where I’m headed and what I want.

They haven’t walked in my shoes and most of them don’t know where I’ve been-

They haven’t crawled on rock bottom with me, they haven’t fought back to rise again and they definitely didn’t help me when I was down and out..

So, excuse me while I go in a different direction:

One that is focused on me, myself and my happiness.

I won’t stop loving my people and lifting up those in need that I come across, but I’m doing it all on my terms now.

I know who I am, what I’m capable of and what I can become…

So that’s where I’m headed.

Sure, it will storm some days and I’ll feel like giving up along the way,

But I’m going to keep showing up, standing up and being heard.

I’m a fighter and this is my story.

Maybe it’s not the tale of glamor and glitz of some people, but it’s real, authentic and honest.

I don’t have to light up the entire world, just shine brightly enough to help myself and my people to find their way.

I’m taking control of my life and stopping the excuses, procrastination and guilt.

I’ve stood on the sidelines long enough.

I’m ready to live life and love passionately just the way I’ve always wanted and dreamed of.

If it’s to be, it’s up to me.

One step after another, one day at a time,

I’ll get there.

After all, rock bottom taught me the things I needed to reach the top..

And once I get there,

I’m not looking back.

I got this.


#mylife #instagood #fyp #unique #me #myjourney #

Cilantro Lime Cucumbers Recipe Idea


Cilantro Lime Cucumbers

Makes 3 servings

Per serving

2 vegetables

3 condiments

2 fats

1/4 cup jalapeno, seeded and finely diced

1 cloves garlic, finely minced

2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 ¾ cups thinly sliced cucumber

4 tablespoons minced cilantro, to taste


Dice the jalapeno and garlic and add to a medium-sized bowl.

Add 2 tablespoons of fresh lime juice, crushed red pepper, salt, and pepper. Use a whisk to incorporate the 2 tablespoons olive oil. Set aside.

Finely slice the cucumbers. Use a mandolin or you could use the spiralizer if you have it, but a very sharp knife will do the trick. Add the cucumbers to the dressing and stir together.

Finely mince the cilantro and add it to the bowl. Stir to combine. You can either let it sit in the fridge to marinate for a couple hours, or serve immediately.


Make sure that you let the salad sit on the counter for a little while before serving if it's been in the fridge; the olive oil solidifies slightly when it's cold.

Throw away the idea that healing is forgetting Healing Quote


Don’t always be the bigger person. Sometimes you have to make people understand that if they fuck around, they’re gonna find out 🤷‍♀️ Funny F around and find out quote


Affirmation for March 21st- your mistakes are not your identity Inspirational Quote


I don't need to watch what I eat- My lab does that for me Funny Hungry Labrador Quote


Every bite you take, I will be watching you!! LOL   I felt this one! 

Stop using your age as an excuse- Loving Life is Important Reminder Quote


Love isn’t just about the easy moments. It’s about what happens when we face ourselves when a relationship becomes a mirror, reflecting both our light and our shadows


Love isn’t just about the easy moments. It’s about what happens when we face ourselves when a relationship becomes a mirror, reflecting both our light and our shadows.

Real connection isn’t just about romance, it’s about resilience. It’s about standing in front of that mirror and being willing to see all of ourselves, the parts we love, the parts we hide, the parts that still need healing. It’s about choosing to grow rather than run, to lean in rather than shut down.

The strongest relationships aren’t the ones without challenges, they’re the ones where both people are willing to do the work. To hold space for the discomfort. To stretch into new versions of themselves. To recognize that the friction isn’t a sign of failure, but an invitation to evolve.

We don’t meet people by accident. Some come to show us where we still have work to do. Some stay to walk beside us through the fire. And some challenge us in ways that break us open…only to rebuild us into something stronger, freer, more whole.

Resilience in love isn’t about never struggling. It’s about who you become through the struggle. It’s about finding the courage to meet yourself in the mirror, knowing that on the other side of growth is a love, whether with another or within yourself…that is deeper, truer, and more aligned than ever before.

~ Gratitude to unknown artist

She’s quieter now drama doesn’t hit like it used to Keeping It Real Quote