Thursday, March 20, 2025

Sometimes you have to let other people be the bigger person for once, because it’s their turn.



you have to let other people 

be the bigger person for once, 

because it’s their turn. 

Because you’ve fixed more than 

your fair share of things you didn’t break, 

but cared enough about the relationship 

to repair them. 

Because you’ve always said the things 

that were hard or awkward to say, 

and made them easier to hear. 

Your delivery wasn't judgemental 

or harsh. You always wanted to get to 

the heart of the matter, to the root cause, 

and give them a safe place to air out 

from both sides. 

You pulled eighty percent 

when you needed to, 

when you knew that they 

could only operate at twenty. 

You brought the sunlight and water 

into the darkness, so fragile things 

could have a chance to grow and heal. 

Because you cared enough 

to haul ass through the tough times, 

so you could have more of 

the good ones together. 

You once believed it was worth the effort. 

But after time and time again, of always being the bigger person, you gotta let that 

someone else take their turn. 

And the truth is, some people never will. 

So when you get to that place where 

you’re finally learning to let others 

step up to reach you, be prepared to lose 

a lot of the relationships you thought 

would be lifelong. Let them go though, 

your energy is far better spent on the ones 

who will step up when it’s their turn. 

Stacie Martin

Artist: unknown

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