Friday, March 21, 2025

The truth speaks for itself, and in the end, it always finds its way to those who are willing to hear it


I have no interest in clearing my name for people who thrive on rumors and lies. 

No matter what I say, they’ll twist it into whatever suits their narrative. I could explain myself a hundred times, and they’d still find a way to misunderstand. So why waste my energy? People believe what they want to believe, and I’ve learned that the ones who truly matter don’t need an explanation.

Sometimes, silence is the best response. Not because I have nothing to say, but because I refuse to entertain negativity disguised as curiosity. There’s power in walking away, in letting them talk while I continue moving forward. I don’t need to prove anything to people who’ve already decided their version of me. 

The truth speaks for itself, and in the end, it always finds its way to those who are willing to hear it. 🥂

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