Sunday, July 7, 2024

When you are happy with who you really are- it really wont matter to you who isn't and that's reality- Love your life- Loving Your Life Is Important Reminder Quote


I realized a long time ago that we all shine differently in unique ways.
You and I may see things differently, but it doesn’t mean that either of us is wrong.
Our individual journeys to happiness are as different as we are, as well they should be.
I had to find my way to my true self, and honestly,
It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.
I had all the questions and none of the answers..
And I had no idea where to start looking for my path.
When you’ve been mired in the darkness for so long, finding the light isn’t as easy as you might think.
But, with the people who held my hand along the way, trusting the magic of new beginnings and just believing in myself, I found my way.
I stumbled,
I fell,
And I cried myself to sleep so many nights,
Not wanting to be lost anymore.
But you see, sometimes you have to lose everything you are to discover who you might become and where you’re meant to be.
Some said I’d never find the answers I was looking for and there was no way I could ever truly be happy with myself.
I’ve never been more happy to prove anyone wrong..and prove myself right.
That I could do it, that I was strong enough and most of all, that I was good enough.
It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t fast, but it was worth it for so many reasons I’ll always be thankful for.
So, if you’re lost and don’t know how to find the your way anymore,
Take my hand and let’s go find some happiness.
There’s a beautiful place waiting just for us,
In that place past the pain and hurt.
I know who I am and most of all, I’m happy with the person I became.
The best part of all?
I don’t care who disagrees with me-
It’s my life and my journey.
They don’t know where I’ve been
And where I’m going, and I’m good with that.
I’m just one of those people...
Always meant to spread my wings and fly high.

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