Sunday, August 11, 2024

Maybe your journey right now isn’t really about love- It’s about yourself self help quote


Maybe right now your journey isn’t about love. 

Maybe right now your journey is about you. 

Maybe this is the season you are being challenged to be your own saviour, to be your own safe place. 

Maybe right now you are being reminded  that the people who walked away were only ever leading you back to yourself, were only ever leading you here. 

And here, you are okay on your own. 

Here, you are rebuilding. Here, you are adapting, and mending, and reclaiming all of the pieces you let them walk away with. 

Here, you are being kinder to your soul, you are giving yourself the same kind of love you have always given to others. 

Here, you are not rushing your heart, you are not depending on another human being to fix it. 

Instead, here, you are doing that on your own. 

Here, you are healing ..

Bianca Sparacino πŸ’«

✨Artwork by Masato Tsuchiya

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