Tuesday, August 20, 2024

This is now my era of setting boundaries Self Love and Help Quote


This is now my era of setting boundaries.
I am finally removing myself from situations where I feel like I am not valued or treated well. I am now walking away from people who bring chaos into my mind or anyone who causes me too much pain. I am creating a border line between me and those who only give me emotional distress. I am also setting boundaries for being so kind or considerate to people. I am so sick of being taken for granted. And I am so exhausted from the abùsè that I receive from people who keep hurting me or letting me down over and over again just because they know that I am very forgiving.
This is my era of respecting myself and focusing on my well-being. I've already had enough of people treating me poorly and taking advantage of the kindness that I offer them genuinely. I am done believing that if I plant love, kindness, and compassion in people, it will also yield good results, and they will grow the same as what I planted. But I've seen so many ungrateful people, and I refuse to spend my life tolerating or dealing with the things I don't deserve.
I am no longer allowing tøxìc and unkind people to have access to my life, and I believe that this is a simple act of prioritizing self-care. Unapologetically, I am now choosing to be kinder to myself.
— Shiori X

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