Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The best kind of people are the ones who come waltzing into your life and all of a sudden you can't remember life without them Inspirational Quote


The best kind of people are the ones who come waltzing into your life and all of a sudden you can't remember life without them.
The kind of people who feel like sunshine in human form after days of endless rain.
The kind of people who believe in you so much it leaves you with little doubt within yourself.
The kind of people who love you for everything that you are.
The kind of people who you could spend hours laughing and talking with even though you saw them just yesterday.
The kind of people who don't think you're weird because they're just as weird.
The best kind of people are the ones who see straight through the blatant lie that is "I'm fine," pulls up a chair and gently ask- how are we going to get through this.
The kind of people who you can sit with comfortably in silence, nothing awkward about it.
The kind of people who make you feel good about yourself, who make you believe in yourself, who make your world a better place simply because they're in it.
- Alysha Waghorn
🎨Michael Steirnagle

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