Friday, August 9, 2024

I'm sassy and I'm passionate. I am a bit chaotic and sarcastic. I'm sometimes offensive and a bit awkward- They really are some of my best qualities self love quote


I had always worried that my personality was too much for some people.
Often, people didn’t know how to take me and I thought that was my fault..
My fault for being a little over the top, a little too outspoken and a whole lot of spunky sass..
Truth is, it wasn’t about me being too much of anything-
It was about others not being able to handle my big personality.
Yes, I always have something to say and I don’t hold back, choose my words carefully or tiptoe around anyone.
That’s just not who I am or will ever be.
I wear my emotions on my sleeve and I am real, true and genuine.
With me, what you see is what you get, no less, no more.
I used to think all of those things were flaws, but I know differently now.
Turns out, those wonderfully authentic qualities are my best features.
My people absolutely adore who I am because they know they can always take me at face value, and no matter what, I’ll always get their back.
Sure, I’m a beautiful mess a lot of days and forget what I’m doing while I’m doing it, but that’s just part of my charm.
I’m socially awkward sometimes and I inadvertently share things that can offend sensitive people -
Not because I’m trying to hurt feelings or make anyone uncomfortable..
It’s just who I am and I don’t plan on changing for anyone.
I’m loud sometimes, I’m awkward other times, but I’m a lot of fun, I’m passionate and I’m totally unforgettable.
You’ll never meet another person like me, and that’s probably a good thing.
I don’t think the world could handle two of me, and that’s just the way I like it.
I’ll keep on loving my people hard, living my life to the fullest and enjoying each day..
And every moment.
Maybe I’m nowhere close to perfect, maybe I’m a disaster some days,
But you can always count on me to tell it like it is.
So, if you can get past the silly sarcasm, the bad jokes and snorting laughing, you’ll find that I’m just one of those people you’ll want to keep around.

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