Saturday, August 3, 2024

If someone makes you miserable more than they make you happy- you need to let them go. Love yourself more self love quote


If a particular person is able to bring you more unhappiness in your life than happiness despite how much you loved them, then it’s about time that you set them free.

 Ordering priorities for your existence should primarily include well-being as well as happiness.

 Love should not be a source of continuous suffering, or making people unhappy.

 If one feels more pain than happiness of a relationship, then she or he should look for a better place.

 Staying with a person who negatively affects your life is not healthy for you in the long-run.

 When firemen lets something go for their well being that’s alright, the same way it is alright for me to let things go that will not affect my health.

 Be in the company of fraternity in which people will encourage and support you.

 Please don’t forget, you have every right to be happy and loved in a healthy manner.

Neena Gupta.

ⓒ Love Is An Emotion of Strong Affection

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