Friday, August 2, 2024

She took one last look over her shoulder at all the past regret, shame and sadness- She turned- faced the sun and continued to move forward to become who she was really MEANT to be Inspirational Quote


I’ve fallen to my knees so many times, never knowing how I’d rise again.
I lived my life saddled with too much of the negative emotions that weighed me down.
I didn’t know how to let go of the shame, regret and sadness..
I let all my bad choices and poor decisions of the past ruin my present and keep me from finding my joy.
Sometimes, when you’re lost in the darkness, it’s hard to find light- any light at all.
I thought it would be easier to simply dwell in the misery than to dig my way out..
Turns out, that’s the worst pain of all.
It’s said that true strength is holding on, but I’ve found that is a different sort of strong.
Finding the courage to let go of the things that weighed me down was the hardest choice I’ve ever made..
But that was the only real option I ever had.
Lingering in the past lamenting my countless broken hearts, wallowing in the pain I’ve caused others and regretting the bad choices I’ve made began to taint my soul with darkness,
And that’s not who I am or ever will be.
I may have nights of inexplicable sadness and days of unbelievable struggle, but I’ll never change a thing about my journey.
It’s made me who I am and forged my strength in ways that an easy life never could.
It’s hard, almost impossible sometimes, but walking through the fire builds a foundation that sunlight and rainbows never will.
Give me the challenges and failures- I’ll turn them into comebacks and a success story.
I lost my way many times trying to search for the light to lead me out of sorrow, but then I remembered - I was better than that,
That’s when my soul led the way when my eyes only failed me before.
My wings may have been clipped, but they’re growing back stronger than ever.
My claws may have been dulled, but they’re sharpening again.
My heart may have been broken, but it still beats with the ferocity of a hurricane.
I will never be perfect or have days without sadness, but I know that I can overcome anything with passion in my soul and love in my heart.
I’m finally finding the courage to let go of the painful past- and the truth will set you free.
Today, I’m starting a new chapter.
It’s filled with disaster, heartbreak and raw emotions, but most of all,
It will always end with triumph, happiness and something that no one can ever take from me:
Sunlight in my soul, for now and always.
That light you see behind my eyes now wasn’t found, it was forged.
The flames of the fire did more than test me, they gave me the strength to rise again from the ashes..

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