Sunday, September 8, 2024

That Old Song and Dance Of Self Sabotage Inspirational Quote By Stacie Martin


As much as I have tried over decades
to backspace and delete
that old song of self sabotage,
sometimes it comes back
to see if I’ll still dance.
As much soil as I have
tended to within my soul.
As many virtuous seeds
as I have fostered into self growth.
As much harvest as I have reaped,
and how much I know now how to sow.
As much as I do to be better,
by practicing the things
I have learned along the way
that work for me.
Still it tests my growth.
As much as it seems like I might
have some of my shit together,
for more days in a row than I don’t.
As much as I continue to
upkeep and maintain my well being.
I still experience phantom guilt,
insisting I don’t deserve it.
Little taps from an older energy
that for a very long time was my familiar,
and it feels cheated on somehow.
That phantom guilt comes to serenade me
with the old lyrics,
that I’m not good enough,
that I’m not really worthy,
that I will never really be ok.
it doesn’t resonate anymore,
I know it isn’t real,
and it doesn’t spark fear or pain in me
like it used to. Its power, over these years, has evaporated. I observe it, trying to haunt a house that doesn’t exist anymore.
And I grin knowing that every time it resurfaces, I only grow more wisdom in how to turn it down.
I learned to tune into the song of my little soul engine chugging along to 'I think I can'
and over the years it has grown into a cheerleader soul engine
chanting 'I know I can! I got this'
I hope that it will continue to drown out
that old song and dance of self sabotage.
-Stacie Martin
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