Monday, September 16, 2024

Have you ever taken a breath that just literally took your breath away inspirational quote



Have you ever felt a type of hurt

That took your breath away

Gasping for air you panic

As the tears stream down your face

Have you ever felt a hurt so bad

That collapsed you to your knees

The worst feeling that you've ever had

That you feared would never ease

This is how I sometimes feel

When I remember all that's gone

Sometimes it seems so unreal 

Like the ending turned out wrong

Have you felt it in your chest 

Face turning red and feeling flushed 

When you can't get the thoughts to rest

And everything just hurts too much 

This is how I sometimes feel

When I start to fear my future 

Sometimes it feels so unreal

As I'm deep in my self-torture 

I need to regroup and take control

Of all the things I possibly can 

As I take a deep breath 

And just let go of anything I can't 

© Janelle Erin Elizabeth Peters all rights reserved 2023

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