Friday, September 27, 2024

You wanted me to lower my walls and let you in and you betrayed me Poetry Share


You asked me to lower my walls and let you in

You wanted to know what's going on inside my head

Yet the moment I let my feeling bleed out 

You used those emotions to break me even more


You used my insecurities as a weapon 

You twisted my words so they'd fit your agenda 

You knew how close I was to the cliffs edge 

Yet you kept on pushing me backwards anyway 


It's like you wanted to sit and watch me drown 

You knew what buttons you had to press 

To make me get lost deeper here inside myself 

So you played with them as if they were a piano 


You wanted me to dance to your tune 

You wanted me to be like a hypnotized rat 

Following your demands like the pied piper 

Until you had driven me out of my own mind 


Yet like always I'll be the one who gets the blame 

You'll tell the world I closed up like a clam 

You'll say I was too insecure to voice my emotions 

And like ants to a lollipop left upon the floor 

The world will come and support you.


YOU : BY Davidaaron wing poetry

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