Thursday, September 26, 2024

Comfortably numb- You are not alone inspiring poetry share



There are times she feels so alone

Trying to do this thing called living

Aimlessly she wanders and roams

A path that's rocky and unforgiving

There are times she wants to quit

She's trying so hard to rid her depression

It isn't easy she must admit 

Sometimes she feels it's her only possession 

She is so comfortable feeling this way

A familiar place to be 

And sometimes she would rather stay

In the dark, instead of free

Some people just don't understand

When you've been through trauma and pain

It doesn't matter who holds your hand

Things will never be the same

© Janelle Erin Elizabeth Peters all rights reserved 2021 art found on Pinterest

This poem is my most shared and most relatable piece. This poem has reached millions of people. You are not alone

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